Chapter 61

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Finley's POV:

Until we all heard a loud thud come from upstairs, followed by screaming and arguing.. Then glass breaking.

I could tell Ameer was out of headspace, as he had this evil glint in his eyes.

"I'M SO DONE WITH YOU MARCO!" Someone said.. I'm guessing it's Sophia.

What happened?

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" When someone said that Uncle Orion and Daddy immediately got up and put me and Ameer in the downstairs play room with the dogs.. Then I heard them go upstairs.

I looked at Ameer with terrified eyes..

"C'mon Smalls, don't worry. Sophia and Marco are probably just having a disagreement nothing to stress about." Ameer said as he had a reassuring smile on his face.

When Ameer is out of headspace it's really hard to read his emotions.. He usually has the same crazed psychotic look in his eyes. But, when he gets really excited his pupils dilate more.

We heard more yelling and glass breaking, that's when I started hyperventilating.

Ameer looked at me and I could tell he was annoyed.

"Smalls, calm down I'll go up and put an end to this. Just stay here." Ameer said calmly as he walked out the door.
Ameer's POV:

God damnit, why does this bitch have to ruin everything.

Finley is having a fucking panic attack and now I have to go kill a bitch just so he can calm down. What a waste of a perfect bullet.

I made sure to grab my gun from my room before I searched for Marco and The ugly ass bitch I hate to call my sister.

I walk into a room at the end of the hall whistling a tune.. I don't understand this.

Why can't we all be happy...

We can't be happy until we get rid of the problem making us sad.

Oh.. okay.

I reach the room and watch the scene in front of me.

I see Sophia holding a vase and Marco standing there with a gash in his arm, along with Papa and Angelo standing next to him.

Don't hurt her Ameer.. She's still your sister.

Shut the fuck up. She'll never be my sister.

The sight of her makes me sick.

I aim my gun at the vase and shoot.

Kinda wish it would have went threw her head.. She wouldn't be dead she would just be sleeping... They all just sleep for awhile then come back and try and kill me in my sleep.

So annoying.

The glass shatters in her hand and I just smile to myself.

She snaps her head over to me with a mixed matched face.

Before she could speak I interrupted her, trash like her shouldn't get to speak before a king like me.

"You're making my dear Finley freak out. Now shut the fuck up before you go night night." I said while remembering all the people I've stabbed, shot, chocked, hung, and tortured. A smile forming on my perfect face..

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