Chapter 37

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Finley's POV:

When I heard him go down the stairs I quickly locked the door to the nursery, and hid myself in the bathroom.

I will be damned if I get a fucking nap.

A few moments later I heard the door knob wiggle with a loud banging noise.

"FINLEY JAMES RUSSO OPEN THIS DOOR RUGHT NOW!" I heard Satan yell- yup he made it back to the name Satan.


At this moment I'm debating- should I let him in and avoid a spanking.. Or should I ignore him and let him open it himself.

I did just get a spanking not even 24 hours ago... My ass still hurts for anyone wondering.


"1!" please don't count..
"2!" I hate counting..
"FINLEY!" I heard him roar- damn animal.

I quickly let myself out of the bathroom and unlock the bedroom door.

As soon as it was opened I get swooped into a pair of strong arms.

I sate crying.. Damn- someone just label me as 'emotional Finley' already.

He popped me in the mouth which made me look at him with wide eyes.

"Don't you ever do something like that again, or next time you'll be crying over my knee am I understood." He said with a very calm tone.

I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder sucking on my thumb as fresh tears started to stain my face.

"I need a verbal answer Finley." He said with a little anger in his voice.

"Yes sir I understand." I said quietly, but just loud enough for him to hear.

"I think someone just needs a nap." He says with a warm smile on his face.

Cheeky bastard.

He lays me down in the crib and hands me the bottle of milk.

I don't even start drinking it, I don't even want to sleep.

"Bubba, you always get milk before nap nap time." He said with a concerned tone.

"I don't want a nap, so I don't want the milk." I say plainly.

"Baby, you really need one. I can tell you need one, please just lay down.. Do you want me to put bb on?" He asked which made my head shoot up.

He chuckled as I nodded my head frantically.

"Alright, but if I put bb on you have to try and take a nap. Also don't leave that ba ba full." He said as he turned the movie on.

I began bouncing up and down in the crib... I really like beauty and the beast.

Satan turned the light off and left the room.

I just laid in the crib sucking on this bottle watching beauty and the beast.

My eyelids began to droop, but I am determined to stay awake.
Soon enough the movie was over and Satan came back into the room I suppose to turn the tv off and to check on me.

"What are you doing still awake?" He asked genuinely confused.

"I'm not tired." I replied blankly...

Truth is- I am a little tired now.

Satan sighs.. "Did you drink your ba ba?" He asked while rubbing his forehead.

I just nodded and threw the bottle in the air and then caught it.

"Do you wanna sleep in daddy's room?" He said with a warm smile on his face.

I just rub my eyes and shake my head no.

He picks me up from the crib and makes his way to his room.

When I touch the bed I immediately melt... Has his bed always been this comfortable?

He didn't even have to say anything about getting me to sleep before I was already out.
Does anyone wanna do a Q&A???? I see some people in their books do it and I was like :ooo I should do that lololol. If anyone wants a Q&A just leave questions in the comments and I'll make a chapter about it!!!

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