Chapter 22

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Finley's POV:

It's been a couple of days since the whole Danny situation, and it's been very nice I haven't gotten into a lot of trouble maybe just some reminders to not talk back and to not say no to Daddy and a few time outs but nothing to big.

I am currently playing with my dinosaurs with Sophia, she said that she would hang out with me since she hasn't been here a lot..

"No Sophwa chu can't do dats!!" I say angrily at her she tried to get her dinosaur to eat my dinosaur hmph.. She just laughs and does it again, so I do it to her.. Daddy then walks in and watches us play. "I'm a big mean dinosaur that likes to eat little itty bitty dinosaurs!!" Sophia said while making he T-Rex come towards my Brachiosaurus!!! Not today bitch, I snatched that T-Rex out of her hand and threw that mother fucker. You will NOT try and attack my Brachiosa- "Finley James Russo." I was cut off by Daddy looking down at me with a stern look on his face.. Uh oh- Come on Finley think of something.. "Yesh Dada?" I say innocently. "Apologize to Aunt Sophia right now." He says while crossing his arms.. I pout "Buts Daddy.. She was goings to eat eat my Dinooo!!" I whine out, "I don't care, you know better then to throw things and snatch from other people. This is strike one." He says sternly, My lip wobbles as I go towards Sophia and hug her "I sowwy S- Aunt Sophwa" I mumble to her.. She forgave me and we continued playing.

"Finley, Baby do you want to go to the store with Daddy?" He ask and I bounce up and down and nod my head frantically up and down. The entire time I have been here the only way I could go outside was in the back yard.

I was already dressed for the day and show was Daddy so we just got in the car- well he buckled me into a car seat but yeah.

We arrive at a mall and realization hits me in the face.. I'm dressed up as a baby- people are definitely going to stare and say things.

Daddy gets out and comes over to my side of the door, he tried to get me out of the car but I was whining and kicking "No Dada NO!" I shout at him which makes him smack my thigh. "Don't you ever raise your voice at me again, am I understood?" He says sternly. I pout and nod my head.

He continues in trying to get me out of the car which is failing miserably for him. "Baby, can you tell Daddy why you don't wanna go in?" He asks gently, I sniffle and nod my head "Is don't wants anyone's seeings me wike dis Daddy.." I say as tears form in my eyes. "Awww my poor baby.. No one is going to make fun of you baby and if they do Daddy will have a talk with them okay?" He says to me which calms me down a little and nod my head.

He gets me out of the car seat and we head towards the store then entire way there he is going over rules for the store.. "You either always stay by me or hold my hand you are not allowed to leave my side, No going off by yourself if you want to look at something tell Daddy, Don't touch anything that isn't toys, No tantrums, and lastly I'm not afraid to pull you over my knee and spank you in-front of everyone, you are already on strike one don't make it to strike two. If you're good I might let you get a toy, does that sound good baby?" Daddy says and I skip while nodding my head. He just chuckles and we enter the mall.

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