Chapter 57

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Finley's POV:

"Alright Bubba, what do you want to do?" Daddy asked me.

"Toys?" I asked with a smile.

"Mhm we can go to the toy store." Daddy replied as he started picking my plate up.

"Me go ooo!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turn and see Ameer sitting on the floor with nothing but a towel wrapped around him.


Ameer just stayed on the floor, but this time he started to cry.

Uncle Orion came downstairs.. Once he saw Ameer he rushed over to him.

He pulled Ameer onto his lap and Ameer put his head on Uncle Orion's shoulder.

"Shh, what's wrong baby?" Uncle Orion asked a sobbing Ameer.

"Me wants oo goo wif Fwnley oo storeee." Ameer sobbed out.

Uncle Orion just looked at him.

"Baby, you acted very bad today.. You won't be able to go. Maybe Next time bubby." Uncle Orion explained to a very upset Ameer.

"But Papa.. Me was goood me wanna go oo!" Ameer pouted.

"I said no, now get your butt back upstairs so we can get you changed." Uncle Orion said while placing Ameer on his feet.

Ameer just stomped his foot which got him a smack on his butt.

"Now Ameer." Uncle Orion said in a very intimidating tone.

"NO! ME WANNA GO OO!" Ameer shouted.

Yeah... Uncle Orion didn't like that.

Faster then you can say oh em gee, Ameer was thrown over Uncle Orion's knee.

Ameer was already naked other then the towel, so Uncle Orion just started raining smacks down on his bottom hard and fast.

I covered my eyes and ears.. I don't want to invade the little privacy that Ameer has.

I could still hear Ameer's screams.

Daddy picked me up and brought me outside..

The dogs were out there and they just sniffed at my feet.

Daddy put me down and I played with the dogs.

When Ameer's spanking was done I heard Uncle Orion scold him.

"Now you listen here little boy, don't you ever yell or say no to me again. And if you stomp your little foot at me again I'll have you over my knee again. Now go apologize to everyone right now." Uncle Orion said to a crying Ameer.

"Papa I sowwwy!" Ameer sobbed out..

I peeked my head inside to see Uncle Orion cuddling Ameer close to his chest..

"I know you're sorry baby, but I need you to say that to Uncle Angelo and Finley.. You might've hurt their feelings. They don't want to see you in trouble bubby." Uncle Orion explained to the babbling Ameer.

"Let's get you some clothes on first." Uncle Orion chuckled out.

"Me no wike lothes.." Ameer pouted as Uncle Orion picked him up and headed upstairs.

I went back inside to see Daddy cleaning the counter off.

"When we go daddy?" I asked him.

"Once Ameer apologizes and you get changed we can go." Daddy replied.

I nodded and went to go sit by his feet.

After roaming around with Daddy we finally see Ameer toddling down the stairs holding Uncle Orion's hand.

He was in a khaki shorts with a red shirt and red socks. He had a unicorn plushy in his hand.

He came running towards us.

"Heyssss Unclw Angwlo heyssss ubby!" Ameer squealed as he tried touching my face.

What is his deal in touching my mother fucking face.

And ubby? I don't fucking know.

"Ameer." Uncle Orion said from behind him.

"Oh yeahsssss me vewy sowwy or earliers!" Ameer said with a cute smile on his face.

Daddy just ruffled his hair. "It's okay buddy, just try and stay out of trouble." Daddy said to him.

Ameer just nodded then looked at me.

I looked up at Daddy and he just nodded at me.

"Uh- It's o-okay." I stuttered out.

Ameer giggled and tackled me in a hug.

Daddy and Uncle Orion just laughed as he poked my face and giggled.

Daddy picked me up and put me on his hip.

"C'mon Ameer let's leave them alone so they can get ready." Uncle Orion said.

"Otay Papa!" Ameer said as he ran off somewhere.

Daddy takes me upstairs and into the room.

He changes me into khakis with white socks and a white shirt and white high top converse.

He got ready in something similar, only difference was the shoes.

He clipped a pack onto my shirt and then took my hand.

"I don't think I have to tell you to be good at the store.. or do I?" Daddy asked while putting his sunglasses on.

"Nu uh me be extra goods dada!" I replied while hopping around.

"Okay Bubba, I'm gonna trust you'll be good. Because if you're not good we can always leave empty handed with no toys." Daddy said which made me pout but nod my head.

We walked downstairs and told Uncle Orion and Ameer bye.

Once we got in the front Daddy put me in a booster seat and buckled me in.

"Dads me big ooy me no need ooster seats." I said to him.

"I know you're a big boy, but even big boys still need booster seats." Daddy explained to me.

I just nodded and started sucking on my paci.

Daddy got in and started driving.
After about 30 minutes of driving we finally made it to the toy store.

It wasn't very big, but that's okay. It reminds me of the toy store that was on the corner of my grandparents house.

Once we parked the car flashing lights filled the area.

I whined and Daddy huffed.

"Okay baby, I'm gonna get you out but I want you to keep your head down until I pick you up." Daddy explained to me.

I mumbled out a yes sir and he put his plan into action.

He got me out of the car and my gaze shot down to the ground.

After Daddy grabbed the diaper bag and shut and locked the car he picked me up and hurried inside.

When we got in there I was amazed by the amount of toys there were!

I looked around for a bit and Daddy just followed me..

I wandered off by myself, daddy said I could.

I got distracted by this one toy that I wanted the last time we went to the mall. The jungle set..

I was looking at it until I heard a familiar voice say something.

Uh oh..

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