Chapter 15

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Finley's POV:

I went up the stairs and waited in the nursery... 2 minutes later he comes in with a very disappointing look on his face.. Well now I feel bad-

He places a stool in the corner of the room and says "I want you to sit on this stool and face the wall until I begin talking to you. If you move away from looking at that wall your time starts over." I nod and he places me on the stool facing the wall.

I was sitting there for 30 minutes and my butt started hurting- He was sitting in the spanking chair just watching my every move.

Finally after what seemed forever which was really only an hour he begins to speak. "Do you care to explain to Daddy what has you in a bad mood?" He says.. I sniffled and leaned my head against the wall.. He comes over to the corner and says "Little one, I'm allowing you to explain yourself before you get greatly punished." He huffed out.. The best chance I have right now is to put on some puppy eyes and make them teary..

I turn and look at him with the biggest puppy eyes and teariest puppy eyes I could give.. His face softens and then goes blank like he was debating something.. He crouches down to my level and says "Baby boy, I know what you're trying to do. This is the last chance you're going to have to explain yourself other then that you're getting a really bad spanking." He explains- Alrightttt guess I'll just have to say it- Damn.. I thought the puppy eyes would work they always work -cries mentally-

"I woke up in a bad mood then at first I wasn't wanting to play with the dogs but then I did and when I did they had to eat so I couldn't play with them.." I tell him.. He crosses his arms "What's one of our rules?" He says and I sigh.. "When I woke ups Dada me was in vewy bad moods den at fiwst me didn't want to pway wif da doggy's den after da got dome slwwping me wanted to pway wif dems den chu said me couldn't cause da had to eat eat." I say in a baby voice with babbled up words...

He finally speaks after just staring at me for awhile.. "Okay baby, but if you were in a bad mood you could have told Daddy and Daddy would have taken care of it. You aren't getting out of your punishment- but it's not going to be harsh. I want you to know that throwing things, back talking, running, and not listening to Daddy will get you in a lot of trouble.. You should be over my knee getting 40 spanks with my belt- but since you explained what bothered you I'm letting you off easy and only giving you 20 spanks.. not bare. I want you to know that Daddy loves you and I don't want a fussy baby all day, so next time you are in a bad mood you tell Daddy, because after this the punishments will only be more firmer." He explains to me while i'm mentally high-fiving myself since I definitely got out of what could have been the worst punishment of my life-

He picks me and places me over his knee in the spanking chair also in the spanking position.. I know he hits HARD like really HARD so I'm mentally and physically bracing myself for impact- even with my diaper bum and shorts on it still hurts..

I soon feel the first smack come down- but it doesn't stop there..


By the end of it I was crying my eyes out- I am grateful my bum was padded or the burning sensation would be wayyyy worse... He stands up from the evil chair and places me in his arms- He has me to where I'm in front of him put my arms are wrapped around his neck and my legs are around his hips..
like that ⬇️⬇️ (but standing)

He rocks me back and forth telling me I did so good and that I was such a good boy

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He rocks me back and forth telling me I did so good and that I was such a good boy.. And I don't know why but it made me feel all giddy... wtf-

After crying for a little while and Daddy telling me soothing things.. I was ready for breakfast- He did let me calm down a little more before we went to eat...

After I was done eating- He did the best thing everrrrrrr HE LET ME PWAY WIF DA DOGGYSSSSSSSSSSSS EHEHEHEEEEEE-
Uh.................. You saw nothing.........

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