Chapter 13

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Finley's POV:

I was sitting in my highchair swinging my legs back and forth waiting for Daddy to give me food so I can go back to playing with the doggy's..

He finally finishes making them- chicken nuggets? I'm not complaining just wish they were dino nuggets.. Dino nuggets are always better. Prove me wrong.. There was also mac and cheese with some peas- PEAS- EWWWWWW they are yucky... I'll just have to sneak not eating them..

I finished all my Chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese and my peas were just sitting there all lonely.. I even finished my apple juice.. tehehe. I was waiting for Daddy to be done so I can go play..

He was finally done eating and was about to take me out of my highchair before he stopped- wait what? "Finley, I think you missed some of your peas." He says I look at him and pout "Daddy, me don't wike pwas dey nasty." I reply which just makes him sigh.. "You can either eat them and get to play with the Doggy's or you can not eat them and go straight to bed." He says with a Daddy voice.. I really wanna play with the Doggy's but I don't want to eat the peas.. So I just crossed my arms and huffed making and angry face.

"Alright then, your choice." He says while he lifts me up an brings me to my nursery that has a bathroom with it.. He walks into the bathroom and sets me down on the tile floor.

"You're getting a bath first then you're going straight to bed." He says calmly which makes me burst into tears and throw myself onto the floor.. "I WANTS TO PWAY WIF DA DOGGYS NOW!!" I scream while banging my hands on the floor.. am I really throwing a tantrum..? All of a sudden I feel a sharp smack on my bare thigh and I see Daddy with a very angry look on his face.. Oh shit-

"Now you listen here little one, I gave you a choice and you chose to not eat your peas like a good boy.. So now you get an early bed time. If you decide to throw a non-sense tantrum again I won't hesitate to throw you over my knee and belt you bare. Am I understood?" He says through clenched teeth.. I just stare at him with teary eyes and mumble out a 'yes sir'.

He filled the tub up with luke warm water and began take my onesie and diaper off.. I didn't put up a fight knowing it would get me nothing but a sore bottom.. After he got my clothing off he placed me in the tub and putting bath toys in the tub.. I didn't feel like playing with them I just wanted to play witht he doggy's I didn't mean to be bad.. "Hey bub, what's wrong bubby?" he says with washing my back with the wash cloth..

"Finny wants to pway wif da doggy's but Finny was bad so Finny cants pway wif da doggy's anymwres.." I say while sniffling.. "Baby, I gave you a chance and you looked over it. I'm not going back on it you can't play with the doggy's till tomorrow.. But if you give Daddy goodnight kisses I might let you have breakfast later so you can have extra play time with the doggy's in the morning." He says while smirking.. I immediately began bouncing in the tub and giggle "Otay Dada me be extwa goods and me gives chu goodnwght kithes!!" I say gleaming with happinesses which causes him to chuckle.

He finished washing me so now he was lotioning me and putting my diaper on with the same diaper routine.. He put me in a footed sloth onesie which is okie since I also like sloths..He helped me brush my teeth then he gave me a paci and I hesitantly started suckling on it..

He puts me in the crib and says "Alright Baby boy, what's it gonna be?" He asked while leaning against the crib.. I pull the paci out and Stand up in the crib planting a kiss on his cheek.. He rubs my head and says "Good boy, I love you baby goodnight and sweet dreams.. Daddy loves you, don't forget about that." He says giving me a kiss on my forehead.. I ended up falling asleep to cuddling my dinosaur blanket and stuffie.. Oh and the paci- which isn't bad..

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