Chapter 14

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Finley's POV:

I woke up in a very bad mood and the wet diaper beneath me wasn't making it any better.. So I did what any logical person would do and started crying.

Soon after Daddy walked in with a happy grin on his face.. No, not today he isn't allowed to be happy- If i'm not happy he can't be either. "Well good morning my precious angel, how did you sleep?" He says very cheerful. I just rub my eyes and hold my arms up in the air signaling that I wanted to be picked up.

"Not much of a talker this morning? That's alright at least you get to play with the Doggy's." He reminds me.. I don't really even want to play with them I just want to sleep all day..

He lays me down on the changing table and quickly changes my diaper with the usual diaper routine.. Then he puts me in some shorts and a t- shirt, with him telling me "It's going to be hot outside." Okay whatever dude.. He then put some socks and shoes on me which- um hell no my ass is going barefooted thank you very fucking much.

He placed me on the ground and told me I could go play with the Doggy's... I just wanna be outside.

I run outside and see the Doggy's sleeping.. Lucky bitches. I sit on the ground waiting for them to wake up.. I don't wanna play with them but they are dogs- and who doesn't love dogs..

It wasn't soon after the Doggy's were finally up.. I get off the ground and go over and pet them.. Okay- NOWWWW I wanna play- don't you judge me.. I'm in a mood so HUSH.

I go get a ball to throw with them until Daddy comes outside and tells me that 'it's time for the Doggy's to eat so I have to come inside and wait for breakfast to be ready.' Ha- he's joking right? RIGHT? THEY JUST WOKE UP AND NOW I CAN'T EVEN PLAY WITH THEM.. I get very angry and throw the ball that was in my hand right at Daddy's head- He wasn't expecting it so it hit him right in the forehead.. Ohhhh shittttt-

He grabs the ball I just threw at him and holds it.. "You must have one good reason why you just threw this ball at me little boy." He says clearly angry but trying to hide it- Of courseee I have to be a smart ass "Yeah I did, The dogs just woke up and I don't even get to play with them at all when you said I could play with them." I say expressing my anger "Oh? So just because you aren't getting your way means you can throw things at Daddy? Oh no sir. You must have it all wrong then.. Clearly your other punishments haven't been very affective- That's okay, Daddy doesn't mind showing you who's in charge here little one." He says through clenched teeth... I do the most reasonable thing and run- I run inside in hopes of trying to find Sofia- But it's kind of hard when you have a 6'2 man running after you.

I see her sitting in the kitchen talking to Marco so I quickly run over to her and throw myself in her arms.. "Wow there little dude, whats got you in a rush?" She ask right as I was about to say something all we could hear was "FINLEY JAMES RUSSO YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE BY THE COUNT OF THREE OR YOUR PUNISHMENT IS GOING TO BE 10 TIMES WORSE!!" Daddy yells.. (I'm just saying his last name is Russo because that's what Angelo's is- and I thought it would just be kind of funny if I just 'changed' his last name to his not legally thought-legally his full name is still Finley James Johnson😋😋)

To say i'm scared is an understatement... I just clutch onto Sophia harder while I hear her whisper 'What did you do now..' I'm assuming it was to her self because it was barley hear able- "1!!!" I hear Daddy yell.. "2!!!" He yells again so I began to shake.. Right then Sophia get's up and tell me to stay right here... She walks into the living room where he was waiting..

I don't hear much of what they are saying but I don't think Sofia is going to win this fight.. She comes back with a tired look on her face and just shakes her head.. Coming in right after her is none other then... dun dun dunnn!! Yupp, youuu guesssed it Satan aka Daddy.

He looks at me and points to the stairs.. I whimper but just slowly go to the stairs knowing I lost this fight...
Hiii!! So I wanted to apologize for having later updates... I have been playing the Sims a lottttt sooo yeahhhhh lol!! Anyways I'm still updating everyday it's just not going to be as much as before!! That's all!! Have an amazing night/ day and stay safe!!

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