Chapter 23

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Finley's POV:

Once we enter the mall my eyes widened, why are there sooo many stores it's INSANE!! I see a HUGE teddy bear and start walking towards it unconsciously letting go of Daddy's hand.

I was about to reach the teddy bear when I feel someone pull my hand backwards, I immediately turn my head in the direction my hand was going to see Daddy with an scowl on his face. He picks me up and places me on his hip, I begin to whine and pout not wanting to be held.. I wanted to walk not be carried around like a big baby.

"I just told you the rules and you already broke one of them. You are already on strike two, if you keep whining and squirming you'll be over my knee in a heart beat is Daddy understood?" Daddy whispers in my ear. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes and my face heat up. I quickly responded with a 'yes sir' and put my head on his shoulder.

We walk around a little bit, I don't know what he was trying to find but it was not in any of the stores we went through. Thank god we didn't go through any of the perfume stores, that would have been a nightmare for me.

We walked into this one store I'm pretty sure it was a shoe store.. It had shoes and clothes in it, there were some toys in the back of the store but I don't wanna get in trouble again so I just stay with my head on Daddy's shoulder.

He sets me down on a bench and crouched down to meet my height level. "You do not get off this bench for any reason alright baby? Unless I come and get you, you do not move from this seat." Daddy says sternly. I just kicked my feet back and forth and mumble out a 'yes sir' then he went off somewhere.

I was surprised on how many people weren't staring at me, I was for sure I would hear laughs and whispers all over the place but I didn't.. That's why I want to make sure I'm on my best behavior so Daddy doesn't spank me in-front of everyone like he said he would.. He can be so mean at times.

As I was sitting down Daddy comes back with some shoes and clothes.. Tuxedos?? And dress shoes- why would anyone need those, those are so boring and not even cute. He picks me up and brings me into the back where some dressing rooms were. My stomach was hurting because I haven't gone to the bathroom in awhile.. I hate this stupid diaper so I'm going on strike against it! I try not to make it noticeable that my stomach was hurting so I just put my hand over it and tried to sniffle back in the tears that threatened to fall down my face.

We are now in the dressing room and Daddy is making me try on all the tux's and dress shoes he got.. This is so boring I wanna go home already. The last tux comes around and he tells me to stand up from where I was sitting and pouting on the floor, I shake my head no and I hear a frustrating sigh come from his mouth. 'Finley, This is the last tux baby okay? If you put the tux on without a fight we can go look at the toys and if you be extra good through the rest of our shopping I might let you get one okay bub?" Daddy says trying to negotiate with me.. I think about it, Get up and try the last tux on and get to look at toys and possibly get one.. orrrr don't stand up, get my bottom beat red, and immediately go home.. Hmm.

I stand up of course I may be stubborn but I'm not stupid. He smiles gently at me and puts the suit on. What are we even doing trying these clothes on?! Ugh it itches.

We finally get done and Daddy pays for one tux and one pair of dress shoes and now we are on our way to look at the toys.

We make it into the other side of the store where the toys are and I stare at them all in 'Aw' desperately trying not to snatch one off the shelve and beg the living shit out of Daddy to let me get it.

My eyes immediately go to this sloth plushie. Oh yeah I need that. I reach my hand out for it and clutch onto it, Daddy chuckles and try's to take it out of my grasp.. Oh hell no- no sir. I whine and hold onto it tighter trying to ignore the shooting pain in my stomach. "Baby, I said if you wanted a toy you would have to good in the rest of the stores. You haven't been on your best behavior so if you want this sloth I suggest you start cleaning up your act right now." Daddy says.. the tone he uses is so.. strict? So powerful.. I don't know it's really like authoritative.. I'm just say it's a Daddy tone.. Cause it scares me.

I give back the toy to him and lay my head on his shoulder again. He smiles and pats my head, he puts the toy back on the shelf and we leave the store.. I really wanted that sloth.

We entered a few more stores and I was getting so bored but just behaved so I can get the amazing sloth waiting for me in the other store. We ended up being in a store that was right across from the store that my amazing sloth was sitting in.. Wait if- wait if I go in there and take it..? Just go and get it and then we won't have to go in that store to pay for it.. I think it's a smart idea.. Only problem is, how do I get out of this mans arms. I squirm around and Daddy turns his head towards me with a confused look on his face. "Downs Dada pwease." I say.. He sighs and puts me down not before he says 'Stay right by me okay the farthest you can go is right behind those clothes.' He says with a Daddy tone.. I nod my head and wonder around the store.

I go behind the clothes and check to see if he was looking- Which he wasn't I roll my eyes and sneak out of the store. I hurriedly run across to the other store and stand at the entrance. I debate if I should actually do this.. Would the cashier even let me bring the toy to the other store? Probably not since it's from their store.. would I have to.. Steal it? I've stolen before and haven't gotten caught ,but that was before I was kidnapped into being a fucking baby. I make the rash decision and go into the store, I quickly snatch the toy and hide it under my shirt.. Which doesn't do a lot but ehhh.

I quickly leave the store surprised that the alarms didn't go off. And make my way to the store Daddy was in, I don't think he noticed I left because he's still talking to the one person at this weird looking box thing. While he's talking I'm trying to figure out how I can hide this sloth under my shirt.. I hide the sloth in the clothing racks and run over to Daddy, I pull on his pant leg and he looks down at me.. I begin to fake shake and ask for my jacket, He gives me it which is perfect because it is slightly bigger on me so I can fit the sloth in it.

I put the sloth in it and by the time I do that, Daddy calls out for me to come over to him. Which I do I make my way towards him.

He picks me up and my face immediately turns pale. The sloth is pushed between us.. I know for a fact he can feel it- my stomach isn't filled with stuffing. He looks at me with a very calm look on his face and whispers in my ear.. 'Strike three.'

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