Chapter 39

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Finley's POV:

"That was very rude of you, Finley." I heard the voice of Marco appear from behind me.

"I don't really care anymore Marco. I want to go see my grandparents and leave this hell hole." I explain to him.

"I think you could go see them, but you will have to come back. You know your Daddy won't allow you to stay there." He explains.

"Don't fucking call him 'my daddy' he isn't my father." I said completely forgetting what he said last time I said he wasn't my 'Daddy' well at this point I don't give two flying fucks.

"I know you're upset, but please calm down.. Angelo doesn't know about us talking or anything that you're saying and it can stay that way only if you calm down and listen to me." He says with a calming tone..

I nodded my head and turn towards him.

"Go on.." I tell him- he just chuckles and ruffles my hair.

"I'm sure Sophia already explained to you- everything.. Angelo isn't in charge of the Mafia part. He is in charge of a very very popular business.. Well he's the CEO. This business is where he makes guns and very good ones at that- We never meant for you to know this much.. I'm sorry on behalf of everyone." He said very formal as if he was talking to some boss or something.

"I just want to see my grandparents." I said plainly completely dismissing everything he just said.

"You'll have to ask Angelo.. If I just take you, he'll have my head." He chuckles out.

I nodded and went to walk into the kitchen.

I let the dogs follow me, because they are most definitely my moral support.

I heard laughter and a lot of talking.

I spot Satan at the very far end of the table with a drink in his hand, dude- it's literally 12:30 pm.. What the fuck.

I go over to him and tap on his leg.. He looks down at me with a smile and picks me up.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked with some concern on his face.

"I want to go see MY grandparents." I tell him bluntly.

"Is that what has you upset?" He asked with a smirk on his face..

I just wanna rip that smirk off his stupid fucking face and shove it right up-

"We can go, but I have to finish the meeting first okay bubba?" He said with a smile.

I nod my head and hop off his lap to go back outside.

"What did he say?" Marco said standing near the dogs.

"He said we could go once he finishes the meeting." I explain to him.

"You don't seem very happy." He said with a playful smirk on his face.

"I might be happy and not show you.. It's called hiding my emotions dumbass." I said with an eye roll.

I just get popped in the mouth "Don't cuss at me or roll your eyes at me again." He said sternly..

I just nod my head and focus on the dogs.

They were just wrestling with each other.

Marco ends up going inside leaving me outside by myself.

New plan on escaping.
After about an hour Satan comes outside and ask if I'm ready.

I nodded my head and he brings me upstairs to put on some shoes...

"Can I have real clothes, I don't want my grandparents to think I'm a freak." I said with venom laced allll in my voice.

"No, you are wearing what I put on you or you aren't going at all." He said with a chuckle.

I just nodded... I really wanna see them.

He put me in some overalls and white high top converse.. It's as close to normal as it can get.

We go downstairs and I hear a squeal.. Sophia comes rushing over to me with glee all in her eyes.

Pinching my checks, telling me how adorable I look,- oh let's not forget the unbearable squeaking noises she is making.

I just sat laid my head on Satans shoulder with a dead expression, which Sophia didn't like very much.

She clipped the paci to my shirt and I immediately threw it off of me.

I can see a flash of hurt go across her face, but it was covered up by a small smile.

I feel my hand get popped "Apologize." Satan said he had a a flash of anger as usual on his face.

"I'm sorry." I said dryly. I just wanna go.

"Sophia don't look so down he just wants to look like a big boy infront of his grandparents." Marco chimes in.

She perks up and nods her head.

"Dogs?" I ask, I wanted to bring them with me..

"Hm, Sure.. Marco can you load them into the car." Satan said with a smile on his face as he started walking towards the front door.

He got me buckled in and by the time he was done Marco already had the dogs secure in the car.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Marco ask Satan.

"Don't worry stay here with Sophia." Satan said with a small smile.

And with that we were off..
I soon started to see all of the old buildings in my neighborhood I started to bounce my leg in anticipation..

"Finley, When we get here I expect you to be on your best behavior. Stay by my side and don't even think about running away. If you even make an attempt I will not hesitate to shoot both your grandparents." Satan said normally.

This mother fucker did not just say that shit.

I hope the fuck he tries. He really just THREATENED me with my grandparents life.. like it was nothing?

I saw the house I practically grew up in.. I pressed my face against the window and started tearing up.

We came to a stop and I began thrashing around wanting to get out of the stupid car seat.

"Calm down bubba, you'll see them soon enough." He said with a calming voice.. I calmed down and waited for him to un buckle me.

He finally did and let the dogs out to I rushed to the door banging on it.. it opened slightly and I was kinda shocked.. They never leave thei-

My heart stopped.

Nothing but tears flooded my eyes.

My vision became blurry.


Aw shit- here we go again.

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