Chapter 26

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Finley's POV:

I woke up to this strange feeling in my stomach, I felt like I was nauseous and I don't like this feeling.

I began to whimper and and cry wanting to get out of the crib.. 2 minutes of crying out I heard Sophia come into the nursery all happy and bubbly.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" She asked her face immediately dropped to concern.

I was about to answer her until I started throwing up all in the crib sobbing.

I heard her gasp pretty loud and yell out for Angelo and Marco.

Not even seconds later they both appear in the doorway confusion and concerns all over their faces. I'm still throwing up and trying to breathe which is so hard because I can't stop throwing up.

Daddy hears the noises I am making from throwing up and he pushes past Sophia to come see me. His eyes immediately soften as he picks me up out of the crib and brings me to the bathroom hovering over the toilet.

Oh em gee!! I haven't seen a toilet in forever! How are doing you fine thing. COUGH anyways- I'm throwing up in the toilet while Sophia is rubbing my back and telling me everything will be okay and how I'm such a good boy.

I can hear Daddy and Marco removing the sheets off my bed and calling the maid in there to clean the puke up. Which makes me cry out more in embarrassment.

I finally stopped throwing up for a little bit and I'm trying to catch my breath, Sophia picks me up and places me on the bathroom counter and tell me to open my mouth and to lift my tongue up. She then placed a thermometer under my tongue and told me to put my tongue down. I did but I was sniffling the entire time.

She pulled the thermometer out at looked at it.. She sighed and walked out of the room. While she was gone I could feel myself slipping into that strange headspace again, I don't feel like fighting.

Little Finley's POV:

Whys am Is feelings so icky?? Me noticed me was alone in da bafroom and me didn't wike dats. "DADDY!!" I scrwam out.

I heard footsteps approachs da bafroom and I begans crywing not wanting to be alones.

Daddy picked me ups and held me closes to his chest.. I just put my heads on his shoulders sucking my thumbs. His shoulders is meh favorites places.

Daddy den begans to rocks me back and forths humming a really soothing tune.

Aunt Sphwa comes in da rooms and says dat it's readys.. What readys? I lift my heads up and Daddy tsks at mes "Baby boy, what did Daddy say about your thumb being in your mouth hm?" He smiles at me I just pout and keep sucking on my thumb untils its replaced by a uhs paci.

We walks down stairs and der is Uncle Marcos sitting in one of da living room chairs he comes up to me and starts cooings at mes "Aw how are you felling baby hm?" He asks me I just giggles and hides my face in Daddys neck.

"He'll feel much better when we get him that medicine, Sophia said he had a 99.9 temperature." Daddy says wait medicine? NO I NO WANTS ANY MEDICINE!!

I began to wiggle in Daddys awms wanting to get aways knowings he going to gib me da nasty wasty medicine HMPH!

Daddy just holds ontos me tighters and trys to calm me downs "Hey bubby, I know you don't wanna take the medicine but can you take it for Daddy? If you take it like a good boy we can watch Disney movies all day." He tries to bribes me which- weally works cause me lobs Disney movies!!

Daddy was pinching my noses so I won't taste da medicine so much, while I gulped down da medicine I made an icky face which mades everyone chuckles which made me giggles.

Daddy kept his promises and let me watch Disney movies ALL day even Aunt Sophwa gave me some candies Daddy didn't wike dat but it was to late I already ate dems, I started yawning and Daddy started rubbing my backs. He picked me ups and took me into his room and laid me down in his beds.

I started whining wanted him to way downs wif me, he eventually did and he starteds humming a soothing tune which made me fall asleep pretty fasts.

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