Chapter 46

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Finley's POV:

"Good job bubba, you're such a good boy. Now! Are you ready for your bath?" Daddy said with a smile.

I just nodded my head and rubbed my eyes.

I heard a chuckle "You must be sleepy huh bubby? That's alright, I'll try and make the Bath fast." Daddy said again this time he has me in his arms.

We made our way to the bathroom and to my surprise the water was already drawn.

It must've been drawn just a few seconds ago, because when he placed me in the bath the water was warm.

"Bubblws" I say sheepishly, Daddy just nodded his head and put some in.

After he got me dried off and lotion up he put me in a plain white pj set with blue collaring.

He made sure I brushed my teeth before I put my paci in, then we went downstairs.

I'm assuming someone brought the blankets and pillows down for the pallet while I was in the bath, because it was all set neatly on the couch.

"Oogys?" I ask- did I say oogy's? Finley you dumb fuck, you know there is a fucking d in front of all that.

"Hm? Oh yeah! They will be in here in a minute Uncle Marco is just giving them a little warm up training." Daddy replied a warm smile placed on his face.

I nodded and went to get the blankets for the pallet.

"Tsk, where are you doing baby? You know you're to little for that. Here let Daddy do it." Daddy said while taking the blankets and making a pallet.

By the time it was done, the dogs came rushing inside.

"OOGYS!!!" I screamed out. They were just as happy to see me. They tackled me and started licking my face.

Daddy finally got them off of me and made them calm down.

"Baby, Since you broke the remote for the tv in here you can't watch anything to go to sleep? So do you still want to sleep out here?" Daddy said with a curious face.

I nodded "yesh Dada." I said a smile curling on my face.

"Alright, let me get your milk." He said as he exited the room.

I just got myself under the blankets and let the dogs under them to. I don't want them cold or to feel left out. I'm so nice!

After a few minutes he comes back in with the milk.

He made sure everything was locked before he kissed my head and went upstairs..

If I'm being honest- I'm scared to go to sleep.. What if I have a nightmare..? Those are the worst. But the again what if it's a dream? It's just a gamble.

I play with the dogs hair as I sucked on the bottle filled with milk.

My eyes felt heavy.. but I'm scared.. I don't want to sleep.

Soon enough that was out of my control.. my eyes totally betrayed me. And I fell asleep.
***Finley's Dream***

I was in the same white room.

I saw my mom again..

She really does look so happy.

"Finley, Stop resisting him. He wants the best for you please." My mother told me with pleading eyes.

"Mom.. who are you talking about?" I ask her.. I'm genuinely confused.

"The one person that has been making my little boy happy. Happier then me and your grandparents could do." She said a soft smile appearing on her face.

"Don't say that mommy.. You made me happier then anyone could. Please.. don't do this again." I ask.

"Baby.." she said placing a hand on my face.

Hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I love you. And I want what's best for you, so please. Trust me. Trust your mother. One last time." She said while hugging me.


"I trust you."

***End of Dream***

I jumped up from the dream I had.. Tears were streaming down my face.

When i jolted the dogs woke up as well.

At this point I was sobbing.

How can she just let me go..

Is she even letting me go?

When I see her- is she telling me to actually submit to him.. Fully?

I was lost in my thoughts, un aware of the tall shadowy figure standing behind me.

I felt being picked up and held close to someone's chest.

"Calm down Bubba.. Did you have a nightmare hm?" I heard Daddy's calming voice.

Maybe I should just submit to him.

I'm tired of fighting.

He cuddles me into his chest while walking up the stairs.

"Do you wanna sleep with me tonight Bubba?" He asked stopping half way onto the staircase.

"Nos mes wanteds to sweep wif oogys dada." I sobbed out.

"Okay okay, you wanna go back on the pallet then?" He asked stroking my hair.

I just nodded.

"Okay baby." He said taking me back down to the pallet where the dogs were waiting.

He placed me down and the dogs immediately came over to my face.. Sniffing me and licking my face.


Daddy put my paci in my mouth and tucked me in.

"Sleep well baby. I love you." He said as he kissed my forehead and went back upstairs.

I cuddled with the dogs before I felt my eyes grow heavy again.

I'm not going to fight sleep.

I'm too pretty for that.

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