Chapter 1

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Finley's POV:
It was a bright and early morning.. to get up and get ready for hell, YES HELL!!

 School is the worst place on earth, you get mentally drained, bullied, and half the stuff you learn DOESN'T EVEN HELP YOU IN THE FUTURE!! 

It's pointless if you ask me, but I know it's a law to go, so I have to go. 

It's a Monday- sadly, but on the bright-side, my grandma is making my favorite breakfast. PANCAKES!!! Oh yeah, I'm the cool kid on the block can't stop this swag-a-tron.. hehe.

 ANYWAYS!! I walk downstairs to go get my scrumdillyushes breakfast... if you don't love pancakes you aren't human.

 As soon as I walk into the kitchen the smell of pancakes fills my amazing nostrils. 

"Mmmmm, Nona are they done yet??" I ask my grandma whose name is nona by the way. 

"No, not yet Hunny why don't you help your grandpa outside with Bentley." She says while smiling.

Bentley is my grandma and grandpa's dog he's way too old to do anything, but he still manages surprisingly.

 I quickly run outside to find my grandpa and play with Bentley but as soon as I step outside I see big black SUVs and tall men in black suits.

 They are tall to me because I'm only 5'2 yeah I know I'm fucking short don't mention it. 

I look for my grandpa and I see him on the ground with Bentley trying his best to growl at the tall men, I run towards my grandpa thinking he's hurt but as soon as I get close enough to him I'm engulfed with a pair of strong arms.

 "Slow down little one, where do you think you're going?" This dark deep husky voice says.

 I being squirming trying to get out of his hold, but he's too strong and has a death grip on me.

 "LET ME GO YOU BASTARD, I'M TRYING TO CHECK ON MY GRANDPA YOU BITCH!" I scream as soon as the words left my mouth I hear my grandma run out of the house and gasp then she quickly bows her head.. wtf- what's going on? Who are these men?

Soon enough my grandpa starts trying to get up, but as soon as he lifts his head up one of the tall bitch ass men kick him in his stomach and he falls right back down groaning. 

This only makes me angrier.

 "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU PUT YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON HIM AGAIN I'LL CUT YOUR DICK OFF AND MAKE YOU DEEP THROAT IT, YOU BASTARD!" I scream loudly, the man that has me in his arms growls lowly- is this man some type of wolf because I have never heard a grown-ass man GROWL.

 I have yet to see his face, but I can already tell he's at least 6'2 and his suit looks really expensive I wonder what he is doing all the way out in the poor side of the city.

 I heard another groan and it's not coming from my grandpa, but from my grandma, I quickly snap my head over to the poor old lady lying leaning over on the ground with her hands covering her bloody nose.


 I began struggling to try to get to them, I kick and flop around in this man's arms but he isn't. letting me. go.

 I'm getting angrier and angrier by the minute.. then all of a sudden the man lifts me up higher and puts my head in his neck... what. the. fuck. 

I do NOT hesitate and bite this mother fucker in his neck- by the way dude worst mistake.

 He drops me and I quickly run over to my grandma.

Angelo's POV:
I arrive at my destination.

 The two old people that owe me money, I don't know what they needed it for but they owe me a good 50k.

 As soon as I arrive at the shit show house my men get out first, this side of the city stinks and reeks of the poor. 

I would think they would use the 50k to get them out of this shit hole but apparently not, ay not my business anyway.

 I look around the old-looking house and see one of the Johnsons playing with a dog that looks like it's about to drop dead any minute... damn these old people.

 I walk up to him to get his attention, while my men stand by. I cough and he slowly looks up the smile disappearing from his face, which makes me smirk, I love to see people get uncomfortable with my presence.

 "Do you have my money, Bernie?" I ask the old man, he was quick to say that he didn't have all of it and only had 20k.

 This makes me furious, I gave him longer than a month to get my 50k back and he only manages to round up 20k?! Pathetic.

 I slap him across the face which to my surprise he collapses to the ground groaning, as if on cue I hear a door slam open and a little boy giggling, but those giggles soon turn into screams and running.

 The little boy had to be no more than 15 he sure does have a babyface. 

He's adorable his little running and his little giggles melted my heart, I scooped him up and held him close to my chest, he is so small, so adorable.

 I quickly say "Slow down little one, where do you think you're going?" He doesn't seem to like being held and begins screaming and wiggling trying to get out of my death grip hold, no sir not today.

 "LET ME GO YOU BASTARD, I'M TRYING TO CHECK ON MY GRANDPA YOU BITCH!"I hear him scream, little boys shouldn't be cursing especially to me. 

His grandmother runs outside, I presume because of all the screaming, but she does nothing but bow her head...what a sweet old lady.

 Not too long after the old lady arrived we all hear another groan from the old man, this seems to make my little baby angry because his little nose scrunches up and his mouth forms into a little pout... AH, I can't handle the cuteness... He will be mine. 


This little boy has a dirty mouth on him, this makes me growl lowly at him which causes him to look slightly confused- this little boy's facial expressions are just so cute, but cuteness can't overdo this one's naughtiness... He will be mine and I will make him the little obedient boy he is bound to be.

 A few moments later we hear another groan, but it wasn't from the old man this time it was from the little old woman...who the fuck hit her? 

I can quickly tell my little one was not fond of his grandma getting hurt, because even if he did notice or not his beautiful eyes filled with tears and he begins squirming trying to get out of my hold to reach his grandmother, I don't think so baby. 

I pull him into my neck thinking this would calm him down... till his ass bits me which causes me to drop him and let out a string of curses, his little nibble didn't hurt at all but it did startle me. Oh if he was mine right now he would get the spanking of a lifetime.

 He would NOT get away with that shit.


EEEE Hiiiiii I'm excited to post this, this is my first story EVER on Wattpad... andddd I hope you enjoyed it!! I know the first chapter isn't that great, but I promise it will be A LOT more interesting in the future chapters!!! Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it and see you on my next episode (hopefully)😁😁😁

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