Chapter 41

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Finley's POV:

I don't remember much after throwing up and seeing my grandparents dead body..

But I had a dream.

A very.. Nice dream.

**The dream**

I woke up in a very bright room..

I saw my mom.

My mom... She's laughing- She looks.. Happy.

I felt warm. Very warm.

"Hey baby." She said while engulfing me in a tight hug.

"Whe-Where are we?" I ask... I've never been here.

She just smiled and put her hand on my cheek.

My grandparents showed up out of nowhere and put a hand on her shoulder.

Now- Now I'm confused..

I just- I swear I just saw them.

They're dead.

I felt a tear run down my face.

I know where I am.

So I died?


"Finley... You have to let go." My mother said with a teary smile.

"Wha- let go? Let go of what?" I asked her.

"Let go of us." She said... The tear dropped.

"Mommy.. I don't- I don't understand. What are you saying." More tears came down my face.

"You have someone who loves you. Someone who will take care of you. More then we could ever do, we want the best for you and we support you in anything you do. But please.. You have to let go of us. It'll hurt for a little while but promise me. You'll be happy, and you'll let go.. We are always in your heart. We love you, Finley." And with that they started to disappear..

No- No I have so much to tell her.. I have to tell her about Dad- I mean Satan..



**End of dream**

I woke up after that..

When I woke up I felt something on my forehead, and on my stomach.

I look down to see a snoring Rocco laid on my stomach..

I'm only guessing that there is a snoring Bruno on my head.

I love these dogs.

I look to my side and see Satan watching my every move.

I felt tears approach my eyes as all the memories of that day came back.

I started crying and screaming.

The dogs woke up and looked very startled. Sorry.

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong... Sh sh sh Daddy's here." He said as he laid me on his chest.


He's the reason they're dead.

"STOP DON'T TOUCH ME!" I scream out.


"I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" I screamed again.

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