Chapter 19

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Finley's POV:

I was certain my plan was going to work.. I was certain- I wanna know how he found out.. was I to loud? Did I make a noise when I left my crib? Did I open doors to loud? How did he know..

I was thinking about it all night.. I couldn't sleep- I stayed up the entire night until the sun came up.

I considered taking a quick nap before he came in and got me.. But as soon as I closed my eyes my nursery door flung open and a angry Sophia came rushing in. Oh shit-

"Do you have ANY idea how dangerous that was Finley! You could have hurt your self or- Ugh! You're so lucky he was very tired when he came and got you or you would be bawling your eyes out right now! I can't believe you-" Sophia kept on lecturing about how dangerous it was for me to do that.. I disagree, but my opinion isn't valid apparently🙄.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" She shouts and my eyes make eye contact with her "Oh yeah yeah you were saying something about Marco? Or no wait it's the crib thing again?" I say back to her pissed off at this point because for 1. I got busted. 2. I didn't get any sleep. 3. She won't stop fucking talking and it's giving me a headache. And 4. I know for a fact my ass is about to be grass..

"Finley, I'm SERIOUS! I'm trying to save you here from Angelo's ass beating and you have the audacity to be a smart ass.. TEENAGERS THESE DAYS!" She screams out- My nursery door was already open so Marco just walks in with a sad look on his face.. Sophia looks back at him and sees his facial expression and just looks down.. "Um- Why are you guy-" I was cut off by Marco's voice "Finley.. Why did you want to go down there?" I just looked at him.. Hm, this is going to be a longggg day.

"I think it's pretty fucking obvious why I wanted to go down there. You're a fucking moron I swear, can't even understand a 15 year old. And you're what? 20? 19? Damn Marco you're so fucking stupid. How can you out of all people not know what I was trying to do.. And don't even get me started with you Soph-" I was cut off by the sound of footsteps..

Daddy stands in the doorway.. I know he just heard me rant and heard me cuss at them like there was no tomorrow.. I'm in deep shit aren't I?

"I would like to speak to Finley alone please." Daddy says.. Sophia and Marco leave the room without a word.. Now it's just me and him.. And I may be grumpy and tired but I'm more scared if anything.

He turns around and locks the door then stalks toward the crib where I was sitting.. He gets a chair and places it right by the crib-

"Finley, I'm trying so hard not to yank you out of this crib and start tearing your ass up. What you did was reckless and foul, to say I'm mad is an understatement. I am highly disappointed in you, not only did you break out of your crib, sneak into my office, and steal a key from my office. You totally just disrespected your Uncle Marco and Aunt Sophia.. Two adults may I add. They were trying to calm the situation down, and trying to make your punishment less then what it originally was. But nope, you've just ADDED onto it. I don't have much to say to you right now Finley, other then I am highly disappointed in you. You well deserve this punishment and you know it.. I told you that you are to never under any circumstances go down in the basement. I don't like punishing you Finley, but when you break major rules and disrespect the adults.. It only makes your little bum hurt badly. I have rules for a reason, to ensure your safety... I think your Aunt Sophia already had a good lecturing with you so I'm going to try and keep this short. I love you with all my heart Finley and so do those two goons out there. We love you and we don't want to see you hurt. Now do you have anything to say to Daddy? Like an explanation of why you decided to ditch your crib?" Daddy finally stops lecturing me..

At this point I am sobbing.. Why did he have to say it like that- I feel very guilty right now.. Very guilty.

"Daddy... pwease I so sowwy I didn't knows how muchs me means to chu me never do it again me pwomise." I sob out "I know you will never do it again bub.. I'm going to make sure of that, this is your last chance to tell Daddy why you were sneaking out of your crib." He says leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

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