Chapter 3

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Finley's POV:
He takes me out of the car and places me down on the ground to where I quickly shoot up and start running towards my grandparent's beaten-down old house. 

I watch as his goons get into the car and drive away.

 I wanted to cry I wanted to go into my room hide under the blanket, and cry, but I can't because that's not who I am.

 I am Finley James Johnson and I will NOT get beaten down by those psychopaths. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my grandmother crying, I knew I needed answers to what just happened but I don't know if I want them now they are just as shook up as I am.

 I go into the living room where my grandpa was laying on the couch and my grandma was crying and trying to get the blood off of him, I go next to her and put my hand on hers and tell her that I'll do this. 

She nods her head and gives me the rag she was using to get the blood off of my grandpa.

 I look at her and say "Nona is your nose okay? Is it still bleeding?" She closes her eyes and smiles.

 I look at her confused but she just nods her head and says "Finley, I am fine your grandpa is fine we may have taken a few hits but we are fine. Finley, baby are you okay? I know that awful man took you into his car did anything happen? If something happened you need to tell Nona, Nona will slap that young man to the next century." She says with all seriousness which makes me bust out a giggle.

"He just wanted to ask me a few questions Nona don't think too much about it." I lied to her.

 She doesn't need to know what REALLY happened or she would go body slam that evil but hot man.

 I'm not gay, I'm bisexual to just clear things up but I do have more of an attraction to men, but not men who beat old people up and threaten to spank me- SPANK ME? HE WANTED TO SPANK ME!! What the fuck was this awful day...But hey at least I didn't go to school..hehe.

*Time Skip to Thursday*

Finley's POV:
It's Thursday, only one more day till Friday then the WEEKENDDDD eee I can't wait- did I just fucking "eee"??

 No one heard that right???

 Good good. 

Right now I'm sitting in Algebra class in my expensive ass uniform at this expensive ass school for no reason. 

My grandma en-rolled me at this school because she wants me to have the best education...

Bless her little heart, I'm trying to make good grades for her I don't wanna let her down. 

All of a sudden I feel something light being thrown at the back of my head, I turn around to see a balled-up paper and some girls laughing. 

I pick the paper up and place it on my desk turn around smile at them and flip their ugly asses off. All I heard was the pure enjoyment from their gasp, I smirk and evil laugh in my gorgeous, fabulous, amazing head MWA those ugly rats could never compare...mwahaha.

 The bell for lunch break rings and I am grateful enough to where my grandma packs my lunch every morning so I don't have to eat the trash garbage food here. 

For an expensive ass school, I would think that the food wouldn't look like a mutation that crawled out of the sewers. 

I decided that I didn't want to eat inside so I went outside to eat, my grandma packed me a PB&J sandwich apple juice and some goldfish crackers.

Yes, a child's meal but hey I like it so I'm not complaining, I sit behind this tree and look up at the sky to watch the clouds.

The clouds are the most beautiful things ever I like them more than stars... 

As I'm watching the sky I hear a car door shut, but I don't pay too much attention since I am outside but what catches my amazing hearing is a clicking sound CLICK.

Ummm what the fuck I turn around and start looking for the clicking sound when I see a man in all black holding a camera pointed at me- what a fucking pervert, they notice me looking at them and they just smile and wave.

 This is a joke, right? hahaha not funny whoever is doing this- I get my smexy ass up from the comfortable tree and stomp over to the scrawny dude to tell his bitch ass off, but as soon as he sees me coming he gets a worried look on his face and immediately gets into his white van- HA pussy.

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