Chapter 30

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Finley's POV:

I woke up in Sophia's arms and I heard a lot of talking from around me.. Hm.

I stretched my arms out and yawned a bit, she didn't even look down at me- I look up and see that she is talking to Marco.

She always talks to him.

She never pays attention to me.

I whine and squirm a little in her lap.. If she doesn't want to pay attention to me then I know Daddy will.

I squirm out of her lap and she doesn't even look at me. What a bitch.

I crawl upstairs to try and find Daddy, but I can't see him nowhere.

I see one of the guards pass by and I pull on their leg.. they look down and smile while picking me up. I just let him pick me up.

"Hey there little dude, what's up?" He ask me while I just pout in his arms..

I begin to tear up "Where's Dada.." I said while sucking on my thumb.

"Aww damnit did Sophia not tell you where he went?" He ask with a little smile.. I just shook my head no and he let out so curses..

"He went on a mission Fin, He won't be back until Friday.. You can wait three days right?" He said.. and when he said that I busted into tears..

Sophia came running into the stairwell along with Marco asking what happened and while trying to get me in her arms..

I bluntly refused to go in her arms and stayed in the guards arms.

"He just started crying when I told him Angelo was on a mission I'm sorry." He said with guilt written all over his face.

"I stwys wif chu." I say to the guard while sucking on my thumb..

I can see hurt written all over Sophias face and Marco is standing there confused.. The guard looks really unsure.. "Fin, I know you want to stay with me but I have to work." He says openly..

When he said that I could feel a pair of strong arms pick me up I knew they were Marcos because Daddy wasn't here.

I began to thrash and scream trying to get out of his hold.

He places me on the ground but before I could take off running he popped me in the mouth and said "Finley James Russo, I am not going to tolerate this outburst any longer. Just because your Daddy isn't here doesn't mean you won't get punished. Fix your attitude right now." Sophia just gasp and I just nodded my head and put my thumb in my mouth.

I was taken into Marco's arms and into the kitchen... I'm not even hungry.

He tries to set me in that disgusting high chair.. I haven't eaten in that high chair since the first day I was here.. I always ate in someone's lap.

I clutch onto Marco and refuse to let go..

"Marco, He doesn't really eat in the high chair."
Sophia said while taking me in her arms.. I squirm around a bit until I feel a pop on my thigh which makes me whimper and tear up a bit..

Marco must really not be happy with me today.

Sophia just rubs my back as she sits down with me in a chair.. I'm not mad at her anymore.. But fuck you Marco.

I cling onto her as Marco puts some Honey Nut Cheerios in front of her.. I love those but eh..

"Come on bubba.. I don't want him madder then he already is." Sophia whispers to me..

I just turn around and eat the cereal.

When I was done Sophia brought me to the play pen and let me play with some toys.. She said she would come play with me whenever she gets back..

"What is your problem today, Marco." Sophia says to him..

He was in the kitchen and the playpen isn't far from it.. So I can hear what they're saying.

"He's being moody today so to prevent that I'm acting just like Angelo would." Marco says with a neutral tone.. Sophia sighs..

"Don't let it get to your fucking head, If you scare him he won't think of you as the same anymore. There is a difference between an Uncle and a Dad. You're the uncle so know your place." She says angrily..

I just sit back and smile while playing with my dinosaurs..

I grunt when I hear heavy footsteps coming towards me..

"Hey buddy, I just wanted to apologize for this morning I know you miss your Daddy and that shouldn't have given me the right to act like your dad.." he says with genuine eyes.. I guess I can forgive him. Ugh I'm always the nice guy.

"It's otay Unclw Mwrco" i lisp out..

He smiles and starts tickling me I just squirm around not really wanting to be touched..

I laugh but I'm also telling him to stop.

All of a sudden a loud SMACK is heard throughout the house and Marco stops tickling metro hold his face..

Did I just- Aw shit.

"it was just a reflex it was just a reflex IT WAS JUST A REFLEX NO NO I'M SORRY!!" I scream out while trying to get away from him ..

I start trying to crawl away only for my foot to be pulled backwards and three sharp smacks are delivered to my bum.. Damn he spanks harder then Daddy.

"Get your nose in that corner NOW." I hear him say while yelling that last part. I don't hesitate to go in the corner and let tears run down my face a little..

I hear another set of feet.. Aw shi-
Hey guys!! I'm feeling a little better today so I wrote this lel, anyways thank you all for the "get better soon" wishes it really made my day!!

I hope you all have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next update!!

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