Chapter 8

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Finley's POV:

I woke up and my head was pounding.

 I think it's from all of the screaming and crying.

 I was in my nursery again... I didn't wanna be alone so I started screaming.

 Oh yeah, I'm a fucking genius scream while your head hurts Finley.. fucking idiot.

Soon enough the brunette girl comes in- I think her name was Sofia?

 Anyways, she comes over to me and starts squealing I just smile at her thinking it's cute. 

I let her pick me up and carry me downstairs while I rest my head against her shoulder.

Once we were downstairs I hear everyone 'Aw' and my face turns red so I hide it in her neck. 

She just rubs my head and hands me to Angelo. 

I become stiff and sniffle a bit- not wanting to be held by this monster.

He picks me up and takes me to the kitchen, but he doesn't put me in the highchair he just rocks me back and forth. 

"Baby... Can you please tell Daddy what's wrong..? I don't like seeing you upset." He says genuinely worried. 

"You hurt people... You're in the Mafia." I say simply. 

He lets out a chuckle "Yes baby, I'm a leader of the Italian Mafia but I won't ever hurt you." He says while rubbing my head. 

It makes me relaxed a bit more but then I realize something...

"WERE YOU GOING TO HURT MY GRANDPARENTS?! YOU FUCKING PSYCHO YOU WERE GOING TO KILL THEM." I scream out which causes everyone that was in the living room to rush to the kitchen.

Satan just looked surprised at my outburst, but he was planning on killing my grandparents.. who the fuck does he think he is. 

"Angelo... Please calm down first- he doesn't know any better." I hear Sophia say. "He knows better. We already went through the rules. Isn't that right baby boy." He says. 

I began to struggle in his hold wanting to get down and make a run for the front door and let everyone in that place kiss my bubble ass. 

His eyebrows furrowed together and he made his way to the bathroom.

Once we were in the bathroom He places my wiggly body on the sink and he slapped my bare thigh not to where it left a mark but to warn me if I kept moving something worse was gonna happen. 

So I stayed still but cried.. man am I emotional.

He got this bar of soap out and brought it to my mouth. 

I knew what was going to happen so I kept my mouth shut. 

He got a little bit aggravated and pinched my nose and after a while, I had to breathe so he took that opportunity to shove the bar of soap in my mouth. 

"This bar of soap doesn't leave your mouth unless I remove it... Do I make myself clear?" He says.. with tears running down my face I nodded my head. 

He picked me up and brought me to the living room. 

There was this wooden stole in the living room that was in a corner facing the wall where I was going to be sitting with a bar of soap in my mouth for a timeout. 

"You're going to sit here facing the wall for 10 minutes. If you move away from the wall- the time starts over." He explains I just sniffle and put my head against the wall wanting this nasty ass soap out of my mouth. 

He gets a timer out on his phone and starts it.

I move around a bit in the seat. 

I don't like to be sitting in one spot for long.

I finally heard the glorious timer go off and I twisted my body around to see da- I mean Satan coming towards me. 

He stops and bends down in front of me.

 "Finley... You weren't supposed to turn around until I came and got you." He says with a calm tone. 

My eyes tear up not wanting this soap in my mouth any longer. 

He sighs and says "Well I didn't tell you but next time you're in timeout you don't turn around until I say so. Alright?" I nodded my head very fast which makes him chuckle. 

He picks me up and brings me to the bathroom where he removes the soap from my mouth and kisses the top of my forehead. 

"I want you to swirl your tongue around in your mouth." He says. 

I sniffle and swirl my tongue around- I cringe at the taste of the soap, he gives me a tired smile and lets me rinse it out.

"Now Little one, I hope you learned your lesson. That you do not under any circumstances yell or curse at Daddy. Next time you do that you're going to be sitting in that corner with a beat red bottom do I make myself clear?" He says I nod my head and he sighs.

"What do you say, Finley." He says while tapping the sink "Yes...Da-Daddy.." I manage to say. 

He gets this huge smile on his face and lifts me up off the counter and carries me downstairs.  

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