Chapter 38

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Finley's POV:

I woke up still in Satans bed- I thought he would have moved me.

I looked at the clock on the wall and it was 12

I shoot up from the bed and quickly make it downstairs.

He did say I could have Nutella when we got home.

I reach the kitchen when I hear a lot of voices coming from there. I peek my head around the corner and my heart stops..

There were so many people... With- WITH GUNS!

And so many guns on the table...

Satan is standing next to Marco at the front of the table and Sophia is next to him..

Oh my god- I knew they were in some gang stuff but... NOT THIS DEEP-

My eyes widen more and more every time I see a gun get picked up.

I didn't realize that I was silently crying.

These are the same men that kidnapped all those people in the basement, that kidnapped me.

The ones who went to my grandparents house and beat the shit out of them.

I have the sudden urge to just go in there and start beating the shit out of all of them.

I'm just standing there watching them.. just talk.

I hear a small gasp and whispering.

I hear footsteps come towards me and I see the one and only Satan come towards me.

"Hey Bubba what are yo-" he was cut off by me of course I'm not gonna let this bitch speak.

"If you come any closer to me I will not hesitate to punch you in the face. So get away from me." I said with a very angry voice.

He looked down at me and just smiled.

"This will be yours one day. Get use to it." He said as he walked away.

The fuck do I look like, this will never be mine- I could never do something like this.

I go outside in the back thinking of an escape plan.

I don't know if he's already 'adopted' me, but I'm leaving this hell hole.

While I was sitting outside in the back I was playing with the dogs to.

"Maybe I can take them with me." I thought to myself...

It's no secret that I love them.

I have a plan.. but it's not as good as my lat one. It'll take all day to go through.

I hear the back door open which brings me out of my thoughts.

I hear tiny footsteps approach me- I'm assuming it's Sophia.

"Hey Finley... Can we talk." She said with a caring voice.

"What's up." I said with no emotion.

"I.. I know you saw- everything, but please listen. It's not ours.. Well- some of it is, BUT most of it we sell and make money from. Your Dad-" I cut her off.

"Don't call him that." I say bluntly.

"Oh okay- well Angelo is actually a CEO of his own company. His dad is really the Mafia guy, but Angelo just takes bits and pieces of it.. All the people in the basement are there because of Angelo's dad, he wants us to keep them here- well other then Laura we put her there. So please.. Just look at it as Angelo is just a rich son of a bitch and he doesn't do anything illegal, because he really doesn't." She explained. Nothing illegal my ass.

"Okay then Sophia, say I look at it that way it doesn't excuse the fact that him and his goons beat the shit out of my grandparents, it doesn't excuse the fact that he kidnapped me and you. It doesn't excuse the fact that every time he gets mad at a bystander he threatens to put a bullet in their scull. It doesn't excuse the fact that he wants me to take over this god damn business AND NOT LIVE A NORMAL FUCKING LIFE BECAUSE I'M STUCK HERE BEING A STUPID ASS BABY, A PLAY TOY FOR YOU ALL! I bet when I grow up you're just going to dispose of me and let me rot in a ditch. That's what I think and that's what I'll always think. I'll never look at any of you as my friends, you're all my enemies and it will stay that way ." I say while hot tears make it's way down my face..

She just looked pale, and with wide eyes like she was about to cry.

She just nods her head and rushes for the door to go back inside.

The dogs are looking at me like I did something wrong- bitch I am the victim here.

I hear a loud sob come from inside the house and I knew it was Sophia. She's like me- doesn't have control over her emotions.

I guess that's why I get along easier with her, because she is like me.

I heard the door open and heavy footsteps approach me.

I see the dogs start to growl at whoever is behind me.

"That was very rude of you, Finley."
I just wanted to say- thank you all so much for being so supportive on this book! I couldn't ask for anything more, you all are so so so sweet and it's so enjoyable to read your comments it honestly makes me smile and laugh so much!! MWA I give you all a kiss on the forehead!♥️♥️♥️

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