Special Chapter (Christmas Edition)

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Just a reminder this is not an actual episode it's whenever Finley submits more to Angelo in the future this is just a little gift for you guys and the kindness you have been giving my book thank you all so much and I hope you all have/ had a great Christmas!♥️-Author

Finley's POV:

I woke up in my crib excited for Christmas and present openings and Santa and everything!!

 Daddy said that since I've been such a good boy Santa might have brought me more gifts!!

I bounce up and downs in my crib waiting for Daddy to come to get me. 

I don't want to be in trouble on Christmas that would be poopy.

He finally walks in after what feels like hours and he immediately picks me up and showers me in kisses on my cheeks and my nose and forehead!! 

I giggle loving the affection, but whine with the wet cold diaper below me.. yucky.

"Baby boy, are you ready to see what Santa got you??" He says with the biggest smile on his face which makes me smile and giggle.

He lays me down on the changing table and un- tapes the wet yucky diaper. 

He then wipes me everywhere and puts baby powder on me and puts some rash prevention cream all over my bottom. 

He then puts a freshly new diaper on me and tapes the sides up. 

Once that was done he put me in a reindeer onesie with a matching paci- I just kick my feet back and forth and giggle. 

I love Christmas!!

Once that was all done we went downstairs to see everyone there, Laura, Marco, Sophia, Nona, and Pop (it's his grandpa if I didn't mention that before) I bounce up and down and erupt in giggles that form around my paci. 

Everyone was cooing at me so I just blushed and hid my face in Daddy's neck, which made everyone coo even more- bleh.

"Hey bubby, Look at all the presents you have huh? You got so many toys to open." Daddy says While I pop my head up at the mention of toys.

Daddy and I sat down on the couch and he made me sit between his legs, and I'm not gonna argue because I don't want a spanking especially on Christmas!!

I saw all the gifts from Santa and there were so many toys in my living room. 

I gasp and waddle towards them all until I was picked up by Daddy who just chuckled and said "Baby, you can play with them whenever we are done opening gifts okay?" 

I pouted but nodded my head quickly.

The first gift given to me was from Sophia. 

She always had to spoil me and go above and beyond even if it was giving me the first gift she HAD to be the one to give it and it HAD to come from her. 

I still love her though, she is the best. 

I giggle while opening the gift loving the sound of the ripping of the wrapping paper- I gasped when I saw a dinosaur paci with a matching onesie and dinosaur play figures. 

I quickly get up and go hug her. 

"Tank chu Sophwa" I say lisping around my paci. 

She just laughs and says "You're very welcome bug." 

I waddle back towards Daddy and just get a ton of gifts! 

Most of the gifts were for me, but everyone got gifts too!

After opening all the gifts I was getting tired since it took a while. 

Daddy said that I had to help pick up the wrapping paper or I won't be able to touch any of my toys till next Christmas!!! Mean Daddy.

Once we finished cleaning up the wrapping paper everyone was going to go home since they all lived either together or separate. 

I was a yawing mess and was about to fall asleep in Daddy's arms. 

He was rocking me back and forth and told me to say bye to everyone. 

I rubbed my eyes and said "Bye byes evewyones" 

Everyone just awed and Daddy just chuckled and patted my diapered bottom in a soothing way.

Once everyone was gone he carried me upstairs and made a quick diaper change. 

Then he put my paci in my mouth and I began suckling on it.

He went to place me in my crib for nap time but I just clung to him and whined. 

"Baby... What's wrong? You need a nap time." He says calmly. 

I whimper "Daddy... Mes wants to slwwp wif chus.." I whine around my paci. 

He chuckles and grabs my dinosaur blanky and dinosaur plushy knowing I can't sleep without either of them. 

Then he takes me into his bedroom and lays me down on the bed.

He laid next to me and covers up both with the blanket and I snuggle into him. 

He just hums and rubs my back up and down. 

What a great Christmas.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the special chapter... Anyways what did you guys get for Christmas..? Anything good? Anything meaningful? Let me know! Merry Christmas!!

- Author

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