Chapter 68

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Finley's POV:

"Finley. James." Daddy said.

"Me no wanna bath Daddy." I cried out.

"Baby, it'll make you feel a lot better.. If you take the bath I'll let the dogs sleep with you for nap time?" Daddy said trying to bargain with me.. it worked.

I was in the bath with bubbled and bath toys.

I just sniffles while watching the toys float past me..
Daddy washed me then put me in a onesie with a diaper.. yes a diaper.

"C'mon bubba, we needa get you some medicine." Daddy said as I clung to him.. I don't wanna leave him for a second.

He carried us to the kitchen and to the medicine cabinet.. He pulled out some flu medicine and tried to get me to take it.

"Bubba.. C'mon." Daddy said I could tell his patients was running out.

I slightly opened my mouth just enough for him to put the spoon in that had the medicine on it.

I quickly swallowed it and made a 'yuck' face.. Daddy laughed at that.

He gave me some juice after and made me some pancakes for breakfast.. I was clung to him the entire time, he asked me so many times to just go lay on the couch but I refused.

I was either on his back or in his arms.. No in between.

Even when I ate I was clung onto him.. I don't know why I'm being so clingy.. It's just feels right.
The day went by okay...Just a lot of hugs and naps..

Soon Ameer came home crying.. He ran over to me and climbed on my trying to hide from Uncle Orion.

He kept sobbing out "I'm sorry." And. "He started it."

I was really confused until Uncle Orion came into the house clearly pissed off.

"Ameer Vera Russo, I'm going to give you to the count of three to be up in your room facing the corner." Uncle Orion seethed out.

"Wow wow- what's going on guys?" Daddy said trying to calm the situation down.

"Hm, I dunno why don't you ask Ameer." Uncle Orion said.

"I- I- didn't know he would get that hurt!" Ameer screamed.

"What happened meme?" I asked him..

"I.. I got into a fight with that Gavin kid.." Ameer said as he lowered his head.

"Wait why?" I asked with a shocked expression.

"Because he was being an asshole and calling us names even though you weren't there. You know what Papa I'm not sorry for beating the shit out of him! He deserved everything he got!" Ameer screamed out- completely changing his mode and tone.

"Oh you're not sorry for putting a kid in the hospital?! Well you will be! Not matter how mad you are at a kid you don't raise your fist unless they are threatening your life! You are much more stronger then anyone at your school and you know it, I'm incredibly disappointed in you Ameer. go to your room NOW!" Uncle Orion screamed out.

Ameer just stomped away upstairs shouting out a bunch of cuss words on the way up.

I could feel myself tear up.. He basically go in trouble because of me.

"I'm sorry guys, but I have to go deal with him before things get worse." Uncle Orion said with a calmer tone.

He marched his way upstairs mumbling a sorry once again.

I didn't realize I was crying until Daddy started wiping the tears from my face.

"Do you want to watch bb? The doggy's can come sit with you and I'll make you some soup?" Daddy asked me.. I nodded my head and laid curled up on the couch... I didn't feel like doing anything- I didn't even feel like eating.
Daddy did as he promised and he made sure to turn the volume up louder so we wouldn't hear what was going on upstairs..

I didn't finish all my soup because I wasn't really hungry... Daddy finished it for me.
The movie was almost done when Ameer and Uncle Orion came down the stairs..

Ameer had a tear stained face but other then that it was like nothing happened? I wonder what happened.. Did Uncle Orion just scold him? No... Uncle Orion is way stricter then that.

Usually after Ameer gets a spanking his in little space.. But I can't tell if he's in it or not.

I tell Ameer to come sit by me and he complies, but winces when he sits down.. My questions have been answered.

Ameer also started crying when he sat down.. Damn- how many spanks did he get? I know fighting is bad.. but bad enough to get a very bad spanking?

Uncle Orion rushed over to Ameer and held him in his arms rocking him back and forth.

"Shh Papa's here.. Don't cry baby. Papa hopes your learned your lesson so Papa never has to do that again." Uncle Orion said as he kissed Ameer's tears away.

Ameer just cuddled up to Uncle Orion and wipe his nose on Uncle Orion's shirt- nasty.
It's now night time... Daddy asked me if I wanted to go to keep continuing being a teenager- I haven't decided.

It's hard to switch from something you've had a whole routine with.. I don't really like being a teenager.. I've grown into actually liking this ddlb thing, plus I don't want to put Ameer through any more hurt.. He likes ddlb a lot and it would be selfish for me to ignore his feelings.

I know how he feels about being a teenager, he doesn't show it but I know.

I'm stuck..

Do I go back to being a baby.

Or do I stay acting like a out of hand teenager.

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