Chapter 10

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Finley's POV:

I guess I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up I was in my crib... 


Finley Imma slap the shit outta you- 

I sat up trying to get out of the crib, but someone was sitting in the middle of the room in a chair- Satan.. he didn't look very happy.

I shrink into the corner of the crib and hold onto this really soft blanket that's in here... 

He stands up and stalks towards me he put both of his hands on the crib and sighs..

"What am I going to do with you Finny.." He says with a smirk on his face.

"I'm going to give you 1 minute tops to explain why you ran through the house and if it's a good excuse I'll let it slid. I want you to say it in your baby voice also. Go." He says.

 I freak out and start babbling like a real baby.

"So what happens was me was out sides wif Sophia and we was talking about how we gots heres and Is wanted to go homes so mes was talking about escapings wif her and she said nos and so me got upsets me cant sees my Nona or Grandpas anymores and me rans so me can cwys.." I explain everything. 

He chuckles and picks me up out of the crib.

He placed me on his hip and walked to the living room where two worried people sat.

I was looking around the living room and couldn't see Laura.

I don't like that bitch anyways. 

Satan sat down on the couch and made me stand in front of him.

"Now Baby, I want you to go and apologize to Aunt Sophia and Uncle Marco.. they were very worried about you Hunny," Satan says. 

I look down and shuffle my way to Sophia first.

 "I sowwy Soph-" I was cut off by Satan saying.

"Aunt Sophia Finley." He corrects me. 

"I sowwy for worrying chu Aunt Sophwa" I choke out.

She smiles and pats my head I then shuffle to Marco.

"I sowwy for worrying you, Uncle Marco.." I say.

 He hugs me and says "It's alright little dude.. just don't let it happen again." I nod my head and go back to da- I mean Satan.

He picks me up and I rub my tummy signaling that I was hungry. 

He laughs and rubs my tummy.

"You did miss lunch little one... I guess a snack couldn't hurt you." Satan says. 

I bounce up and down in joy and everyone in the room laughs.. maybe- maybe I should give this a try. 

But I would need to at least get to see my grandma and grandpa.

I was placed in a highchair and a bib was placed around my neck it had dinosaurs on it.

YASSS- cough anyways..... 

Satan asked me what I wanted to eat and.

I said Nutella because...


"Bub, you can't have Nutella right now.. maybe for dessert you can have it but you need some real food so come on Baby what do you want?" Satan says. 

I just sit there and pout wanting Nutella...

Well, I guess I could just have grapes.. mmmm Grapes. 

I tell him I wanted grapes and he nods and gets them for me.

I had Uncles Macro and Aunt Sophia fighting over who can feed me...Of course it was enjoyable to watch but I was tired of the fighting and I wanted my fucking grapes. 

They were both holding the bowl of grapes and my eyes kept following the bowl until...


The bowl falls and I let out the bloody murder scream. 

Aunt Sophia and Uncle Marco look at each other then at me. 

Then at a very angry-looking Satan. 

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE?" He shouts anger radiating off of him. 

Aunt Sophia and Uncle Marco just kept quiet while I'm sniffling and hiccuping. 

Satan then turns to me and his eyes soften- He picks me up and rocks me back and forth in a very soothing way. 

"Hey, baby... Can you calm down and try to tell Daddy what happened?" He asks in a very calm voice. 

I could fall asleep to his voice- but I just nod my head to his question and say.

 "Daddy day were fighting over whos feeds me and den day were holding da bowl of gwapes and den da bowl fell out of der hands and den the grapes went everywhere." I explain with un-explained hand movements.

He tries to hold back his laughter and looks at Uncle Marco and Aunt Sophia. 

"I want the mess cleaned up and when you're done I want you two in the living room." He says in his Daddy voice which scares me a little bit.

Hiiiii EEFERSONN here lol- I was wondering if anyone had this story saved in their private library or anything like that? I do update A LOT so I was just curious. Anyways I hope you all have a great day/ night and make sure you eat and drink some water and if no one has told you that they are proud of you/ love you... Well, I'm proud of you and I love you. Stay safe and healthy see you later♥️♥️!!!

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