Chapter 48

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Finley's POV:

So he says I can't have any more bacon? We will see about that.

Once we got downstairs and into the kitchen I noticed something sitting on one of the chairs..

Is that a booster seat?

Probably better then the shitty ass highchair.

I got placed in the booster seat, but they didn't buckle me in.

I whined a little, but stopped when I saw the look on daddy's face.

"Hey munchkin, what do you want to drink?" Sophia said as she came up behind me.

"Chocolatw milks." I said with a warm smile.

"Oh.. I'm sorry we don't have anymore chocolate milk- we have apple and orange juice? Do you want that?" Sophia asked with a sad smile.

I just looked at her like she was a dumb bitch.

She isn't a bitch- BUT I WAS LOOKING AT HER LIKE SHE WAS ONE. (Cough anyways)

"No. Chocolatw milks." I said again. I'm already pissed off and this is just making me angrier.

I could tell she was getting nervous, like she didn't want to say the wrong thing. I smiled at that.

"Buddy- we don't have any." Sophia replied.

"Thwn get somws." I said with a duh tone.

"Finley James, You are walking on thin ice right now. We are not going to drive all the way to the store to get you chocolate milk. You will choose either apple or orange juice and if you don't want either you can simply drink water." Daddy said from the living room.

I crunched my nose up in disgust.

"Apple." I said to Sophia.

She smiled big as she got the juice and told everyone to come eat breakfast.

I forget that everyone eats together.

Once everyone got in here and seated food was placed on the table along with plates and utensils.

I was seated on the opposite side as Daddy. I wanted to sit by him.

Once everyone got their food Daddy got my plate and put it in-front of me along with the apple juice.

No. Fucking. Bacon.

Everyone else had bacon, it's not fair.

Yeah I did take some bacon.. YEAH I TOOK 4 PIECES BUT WHO CARES.

I didn't touch my food and just looked down with anger.

"Boss, are you sure he's okay? He looks like a ticking time bomb." I heard someone say which made me snap my head up and look at them with anger fillies eyes.

They just avoided eye contact and continued eating. But I didn't take my eyes off of them.

"Finley, I suggest you stop with the glares. It won't make your food get eaten." Daddy said as he spooned grits in his mouth.

I just glared at him for a few seconds before I moved my glare back down to my lap.

"Hey buddy, are you gonna eat? Your food is going to get cold." I heard someone say beside me.

I was seated next to some guards that I didn't even know the names of. One to my left and one to my right.

"Who are you?" I asked not noticing my tone.

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