Chapter 16

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Finley's POV:

I was throwing the ball with Bruno and Rocco until Laura comes outside- what the fuck does this bitch want.

She sits down right next to where I was standing and just stares at the ground.

I ignore her and continue to throw the ball with the dogs..

"I know you want to leave here." Laura says in a very quiet tone.. "Yeah, I do. What about it? I think anyone that is kidnapped would want to leave their abductor to." I reply to her. "I'm sure you know that you can't leave- and i'm informed you're giving this a try?" She ask "Yeah I am giving this baby shit a try." I reply to her like it was obvious— which it kinda is?

She smirks.. "If you try to escape I'll be the first one to find you- not Angelo not Sophia. Me, and when I find you I'm going to shoot you in the head." She tell me.. I drop the ball and look at her with terrified eyes- this makes the dogs come up in-front of me and start growling at her.. "You'd be hurting Angelo's feelings if you succeed in escaping. And I can't let you hurt his feelings... But it would bring me absolute joy to see you dead- He would get over you in a day and get a new little in a matter of seconds if you were just dead and not wondering the streets like a lost puppy." She tells me

This makes me furious- no bitch is going to threaten me and think they can get away with it. Who the fuck does she think she is. I would never hit a woman but- I was threatened by this bitch I think it's a little bit acceptable. I go up to her and slap her across the face.. I slap a grown ass woman across the face and her head snaps to the side but immediately snaps back towards me.. She has this most hateful eyes I have ever seen.. She holds her cheek and I just stare down at her with anger filled eyes.. I didn't want to hit her.. I shouldn't have but I wasn't going to let this scum threaten me. She stands up and hovers over me.. "You shouldn't have done that." She whispers, then all of a sudden I'm thrown on the ground with her holding a KNIFE to my neck- SHES HOLDING A KNIFE TO ME NECK-

I hear fast footsteps come towards us and I feel blood trickle down the side of my neck... She was pressing so hard against my neck it's leaving a mark...

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING LAURA GET OFF OF HIM!!" I hear Sophia scream at the top of her lungs.. She doesn't get off but presses harder- I can't move my head or I'm sure I'll die.. Tears come running down my face- Not tears of sadness not tears of joy but tears of anger.. of hate- I hate her... I hate her.

More footsteps come rushing towards us.. And Marco is standing by Sophia and Daddy isn't in sight- "Laura what are you doi-" He was cut off by a loud gunshot.. I look next to me to see a bullet hole in the ground and some blood.. Did I get shot?

I look at Laura and see her face wince in pain.. Her arm.. How did it get shot- "Get off of him now." I hear Daddy's voice.. It was deep- and filled with venom.. Oh yeah- He's pissed.

He pressed his gun on her head.. "I won't hesitate to shoot you Laura, now get off of him." He says again.

She finally removes the knife that had very some blood on it from my neck.. Then she stands up and get immediately pushed down by Sophia- Oh hell yes beat dat ass Sophia BEAT IT!! Sophia punches her in the face which causes her to fall to the ground, Then Sophia kicks her in the stomach and goes to kick her again before Marco picks her up..

Daddy picked me up and holds me close to his chest.. A lot of guards coming running out and pick Laura up- they take her somewhere but I don't know where.. I'm to busy crying into Da- Daddy's shirt..

Should I even be calling him Daddy anymore..? What if she said was true.. What if he replaces me.. Damn, she has me thinking now.. Sophia tries to come up to me and talk to me put I just turn my head and stare into space.. Angelo rubs my back up and down and tells me he's sorry.. Marco then comes over and tries to comfort me as well but I just shrug them all off.. I just want to sleep- I just want peace..

I close my eyes and think about my grandparents.. I miss them. I'm engulfed by darkness..

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