Chapter 21

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Finley's POV:

I woke up in my crib.. I knew I fell asleep but I didn't think he was going to put me in the crib- I don't know how I can explain this prison..

I feel like I have to pee but I'm not going to pee myself again.. I'm tired of this shit I haven't seen my grandparents yet and I want to. He said I will have to wait.. I've waited.

Angelo's POV: (surpriseee)

I walk up into little man's nursery to get him from the nap, as soon as I'm about to open the door I hear little grunts and throwing noises.. What is he doing.

I open the door and the sight I see.. All of Finley's blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals are all thrown out of his crib and laying on the floor and is in the middle of trying to go over the crib railing.. I never can get a break can I?

"Baby boy, what do you think you're doing?" I say with amusement laced in my voice.. it's so cute watching him struggle trying to get over those bars.

He grunts and looks at me with mad eyes.. Uh oh- what did I do this time.

I go over to him and pick him up, he begins struggling in my arms. Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed or? All of a sudden I hear a hard boom hit something and I notice Finley isn't in my arms- I swear he's going to give me a headache.

I hear his tiny footsteps make it's way to the stairs so I dash after him I see him sliding down the railing.. This child.

I hurry downstairs and to my surprise I hear screaming.. I frantically look around trying to find Finley.- i go into the kitchen to see him on top of one of my guards pulling and biting at him.. I sigh.

I go over and pull him off the guard and smack his thigh. "Finley James Russo, What do you think you're doing?" I quietly yell at him.. I knew something was wrong when I saw him trying to escape his crib but- I didn't think this.. He burst into tears and apologizes a million time saying 'I'm so sorry Daddy pleaseee' Please what? I'm confused..

I just hold him close to my chest and rock him back and forth saying soothing things into his ears. I walk back up to his nursery and sit in the chair in the corner of the room. I wasn't going to spank him, I just wanted him calm down and tell me what's wrong. I rock the chair back and forth waiting patiently for him to calm down..

Soon enough his cries turned into little sniffles.. I take this opportunity to ask him. "Bubby, can you tell Daddy what's wrong?" I ask him. He looks up at me with teary eyes and just puts his head on my shoulder. I rub his back up and down waiting until he's ready.

I feel him lift his head up and start talking.. "Finley sowwy Dada.. Finley had drwam of seeings Nona and Pop.. Finley missed dems and me wants to see dems." He explains to me.. I did promise him that I would let him see his grandma and grandpa if he decided to do ddlb with me.

"Alright bubby.. But Finley could've told Daddy that he wanted to see them. He didn't have to run off and be mean to one of Daddy's guards." I explain to him, he just sniffles and puts his arms around my neck and places his head on my shoulder.. "I'm sowwy Dada, me won'ts do it agains.." he wishpers I pat his back "I know you won't bud, let's go say sorry to Danny okay? You might've hurt his feelings." I say to him he looks up at me and sniffles while nodding his head.

We walk downstairs and see Danny with bandages on his face along with an ice pack.. I feel my baby crying into my neck and he starts kicking his feet telling me he wants down.. I set him down and he goes running towards Danny. He jumps into Danny's lap and hug him tightly around his neck and starts apologizing like crazy saying how sorry he was and he didn't mean it.. Of course Danny forgave him, Danny had a soft spot for the little booger.. And to be honest I think everyone does, who doesn't love our little Finley.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry for not uploading yesterday I got a new phone and it took all night to get it set up 😔- ANYWAYSSSS I hope everyone is having a great day and I'll see you laterrr!! BUH BYEEEEE!!

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