Chapter 44

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Finley's POV:

"Have you chosen yet." Daddy asked while leaning back against his chair.

I nodded my head.

"Well?" He asked

"I- I'll.. get my mo- mouth washed ou.. out wif soap.." I said on the verge of tears.

He took me out of the highchair and placed me on his lap..

"Calm down bubba, take your time and then tell me the rest okay?" He said while giving me a pacifier.

I just sucked on it and it calmed me down so much.

"Are you okay now?" He asked with soft facial expressions.

"Mhm.. I- hand smacks, soap, and writing." I said while hiding my face in his chest.

He just chuckled.

"I'm surprised by your choice." He said with another chuckle.

"Can we just get it over with." I said with a mixed expression.

He nodded his head and brought me to the bathroom.

He sat me on the counter and got out a brand new soap bar.

I just hung my head low.

I'm really surprised he didn't just spank me.. maybe he just wants to humiliate me. I know I kinda deserve this- Kinda.

I heard the water turn on- he's wetting the soap? That's new.

"Open." I heard him say.

I look up at him with pleading eyes, but end up opening my mouth just enough for the soap to get in.

"3 minutes." He said as he set a timer on his Apple Watch and walked out.

Damn- kinda hurted me tho.
The three minutes were finally up, he entered with an object behind his back.

"You know the drill- swirl your tongue around." He said with a pointed look.

I swirled my tongue around until he said i could rinse.

After I was done he just looked down at me.

"Do you want to get your hand spanks now?" He asked.

"Now I guess." I said with a pout.

He just chuckled and put my hands on the counter, palms facing down.

"I want you to count each one after each smack." He said as he revealed the object behind his back.

A fucking ruler- oh come on.

I'm guessing he could see my facial expression, because he just laughed.

Without a warning he smacked the back of my hands.

"OW! Why didn't you tell me we're starting!" I yelled.

"What number." He said as he smacked my palms again.

"Ow- 1!" I said with a crunched up face.


"Ah- 2."


"Owie..3.." this is hurting and it's only the third one.


"OW- 4!" I felt a tear make its way down my face.


"5-5.." I tried not to sob out.

"Hey bubba.. it's okay last 5? You don't have to count I'll make them quick." He said as he landed the last 5 smacks on my hands.

I was a sobbing mess- that shit hurts why the fuck did I pick it.

"Shhh it's okay, you're okay.. You did sooo good baby, you're such a big boy for Daddy." Daddy praised me.. It honestly felt- good? I dunno I just like it.

"One more then you're done okay?" Daddy said with a small warm smile.

I just put my thumb in my mouth and nod my head yes.

We headed into the living room and I saw Marco sitting on the couch with 2 angry looking dogs.

Once they saw me they ran towards me almost dragging Marco with them.

They started jumping up and sniffing my feet... They are so cute.

Daddy didn't look that happy, once they saw his face they knocked it off.

"I'm going to put your coloring desk in a corner and you're going to sit there and write three pages front and back on each line saying 'I won't disrespect, or throw things at Daddy or anyone.' Am I understood?" He said

I nodded my head yes.

"Dogs come?" I asked with puppy dog eyes."

"No sir, this is your punishment you can have allll the cuddles with them when you're done." He said as he placed me on the ground to get the coloring desk.

I just huffed and crossed my arms across my chest.

The dogs were laying down by my feet so I obviously had to pet them.

I felt a quick smack on my hand to see a angry Daddy looking down at me.

"1." He said.. I hate counting.
"2." I sighed and got up and walked over to the corner.

He placed the desk in the corner and sat me down.

He placed 3 pieces of paper a mechanical and regular pencil in front of me.

"You have all day to do this, but you don't get to do anything until it's finished. No tv, no dogs, no outside, no Nutella. Nothing. So you better start writing." He said with a smirk as he walked away.


I picked up the pencil and glanced at the clock.

4:15 pm? I should be good.

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