Chapter 70

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Finley's POV:

"If you don't drive right fucking now, I'll blow your brains all over the dash." Ameer said as he tightened his grip on the gun.

I was about to piss myself, how can he just do this?!

Maybe I should make a break for it.

I put my hand on the car door handle.

"Don't even think about it Finley, if you leave this car she gets shot." Ameer said dryly with a wicked smile on his face.

"Please son, don't do this... Please I'll give you anything you want." The old lady pleaded.

"Ameer, please... Let her go- we can't do this, we can go to jail for this! We just need to face the punishment okay..? We are already in enough trouble. Please, Ameer, don't bring this lady down with us." I pleaded.

"Shut up Finley, I know what I'm doing." He said bluntly.

I guess my pleas fell to deaf ears.


"Ameer, if you go on with this I can't be around you anymore," I mumbled.. this made him stare at me with hurt-filled eyes.

"You know it's true. My dad and uncle Orion will not let me within feet of you.." I said.

He dropped the gun and started to bust into tears.

Thank god the gun didn't go off.

I just hugged him as he cried into my chest.

The old lady ditched the car and ran towards dad and Uncle Orion.

"I'm s-so sorry!" He cried harder. 

This is hurting me more than it's hurting him.

Dad and Uncle Orion came by the car and I can see the disappointment on their face.

"He- He didn't know what he was doing Uncle Orion.." I mumbled out.

"I know Finley, but I need you to back away from him." Uncle Orion said seriously.

Ameer clutched onto me tighter.

"NO BUBBY PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" Ameer screamed..

I started crying to, I can't stand it when he cries.. it makes me really upset.

Uncle Orion took hold of Ameer and Dad took hold of me.

It was like a tug of war battle, but to get us apart.

Even though Ameer was crying, he was still holding on tight.

"I-I can't leave you bubby! Don't leave me!" He screamed as Dad got me away from him.

"I'm sorry." I cried out.

I just cried into Dad's chest as he cuddled me soothingly.

All I could hear was Ameer's screams... I was too scared to look up.

"Da-Dad... What's going to happen to Am-Ameer?" I stuttered out.

"He's going somewhere far away to get help, bubba." Dad said to me then started walking somewhere.

N-No! NO!

I scrambled out of Dad's arms and ran towards Uncle Orion's car.

He was trying to get a struggling Ameer in the car, but it wasn't working. He was screaming, crying, hitting, kicking, and biting.

I threw myself in front of Uncle Orion and hugged Ameer.

"I'm sorry Meme. I'm so sorry... Don't make him go, Uncle Orion, Please!" I cried.

"This isn't up to you Finley, now move." He said as he picked me up and put me to the side.


I tried to make my way back to Ameer but dad caught me by the arms and held me into him.

Uncle Orion took out a shot and injected Ameer with it.

His screams were filled with so much hurt.

Ameer slowly started fighting before he passed out.

I just laid limp in Dad's arms.

That was the last time I saw Ameer.
Or so I thought.
Hey guys, so this concludes season 1 of Mafias Little Boy.

Thank you all so so much for the support on this book, it was my first book and it surprised me so much when it got as big as it did!

The next season will be out soon! I hope you all will check that book out if you loved this one!

I love you all and I hope you have/ had an amazing day and I will hopefully see you all in my next book! ❤️

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