Chapter 60

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Finley's POV:

"Who's ready for dinner?" Daddy asked.

Me and Ameer jumped up and yelled "ME!".

Daddy and Uncle Orion laughed.

"Bet I can beat you downstairs meme!" I said to Ameer who had this innocent smile on his face.

"Nu uh! I can beat you ubby!" Ameer yelled as he started running.

I ran after him and not long after we were racing each other downstairs.

Our daddies were yelling after us, but we didn't listen we just kept running.

When we got to the living room we were picked up by two angry daddies.

"This is strike two Finley, you know better then to run down the stairs." Daddy said as he gave me a disappointing look.

"Ameer Vera Russo! How many times have I told you not to run down those stairs? One to many. If it happens again I'll bust your bottom up! Don't do it again!" Uncle Orion scolded Ameer.. Ameer didn't seem to fazed by this.

Daddy carried me into the kitchen and placed me in the booster seat.

I whined a little bit, but for over it when Ameer was placed in the seat next to me.

"Bubba, what do you want to drink?" Daddy asked me.

"I dunno, whatcha haves daddy?" I asked him.

"We have apple juice orange juice water? You can't have any chocolate milk right now since you already had some today." Daddy explained to me.

"Uhhh apple juice." I told him, he nodded then asked Ameer the same question.

Ameer said water, he said he's not a big fan of juice.

Uncle Orion put a plate of cut up spaghetti infront of me, and for Ameer to.

Daddy placed my juice in front of me and Ameer's water in front of him. They got their food and sat down to.

Dinner was- chaotic.

"Ameer Vera, keep your hands out of your food." Uncle Orion scolded.

Ameer has been trying to feed me with his hands the entire time saying 'But you're just a baby!' Uncle Orion told him a lot of times to stop, but he won't.

Ameer got a big handful of spaghetti and shoved it right in my face. God damnit how many baths do I need for fuck sake.

"Ameer Vera. You're on the verge of getting sent to the corner and getting your I pad taken again. I suggest you stop right now." Uncle Orion said with a daddy tone.

Ameer just rolled his eyes and huffed.

I tried to eat my food, but it was kind of hard. Every time I would try and eat Ameer would take a hold of the fork and try to make it like he was feeding me.

I finally had enough and just put the fork down.

"No Ubby! Yous have oo eat eat!" Ameer pouted.

"How am I supposed to eat when you keep trying to feed me!" I said to him.

"Yous baby me helps chu!" Ameer shouted at me.

"I don't need your help! I can feed myself, thank you very much!" I screamed back at him.

He took some spaghetti off of Uncle Orion's plate and threw it at me.

Uncle Orion jumped out of his seat and swiftly took Ameer out of his seat.

Daddy just sat there while chuckling, and I was pouting.

Uncle Orion came back and apologized to me.

I just nodded and Daddy picked me up, "we have a messy baby huh?" Daddy said with a smile. I pouted knowing I had to get another bath and I didn't want another bath!

I've had like eighteen million today!

Daddy headed towards the stairs and went up to his room.

On the way to the stairs I saw Ameer sitting in the corner.

Sucks to suck.

When we got into Daddy's room he stripped me out of everything and turned the water on.

"Daddyyyy me wants ood! Me hungeyyy!" I said with a pout.

"I know Bubba, I'll make you something for Dinner.. What do you want?" Daddy asked.

"I wanted ghetti!!" I whined.

"Okay then you can have some, no need to get upset you'll get your spaghetti." Daddy said as he placed me in the bath and started washing me.

The entire time I was just pouting and hangry.

When the bath got done he did the usual after bath routine and diaper routine, he actually put me in a dinosaur onesie.

"I'll give you your pacifier after you eat." Daddy said as I nodded.

Daddy took me downstairs where I was faced with a squealing Ameer.

"No Ameer, what did I tell you when you got out of timeout. Come over and sit down now." Uncle Orion said in a threatening tone.

Ameer just pouted and ran off back to his seat.

I let out a shaky breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

Daddy sat me in his lap this time and let me eat from there.


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