Chapter 11

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Finley's POV:

After they got done cleaning the mess up in the kitchen they came to the living room where Satan and I were sitting down watching a Disney movie.

"I need you two to start helping me trying to get him in headspace. He needs to know that being my little baby isn't a bad thing. So that means to try and cut down on the cuss words, and try not to argue in front of him." Satan says while I just stare at him with hate-filled eyes.

All of a sudden I feel a sharp smack on my bare thing which makes me whimper and look at the ground. 

"Those glares won't get you anywhere little boy." Satan whispers in my ear. 

I just huff and cross my arms. 

Everyone laughs at how 'adorable' I am.

"So how do we explain that this isn't a bad thing?" Marco asks Satan. 

"Well you could show him other littles if you have a friend that has a little you could bring them to the house and I'll make them play together." Satan says.

 I do NOT like this idea at all. 

I start pouting and all he does is boop my nose. 

This bit- "So Finley.. are you willing to give this a try..?" Sophia asked. 

I think for a while. 

Do I want to give this a try-? Hmm.

"I can give this a try... only if I can still see my grandma and grandpa." I say.. trying to negotiate.

Daddy sighs "Bub, you know I can't do that." He bluntly says. 

"Then I'm not participating in your stupid creepy kinky shit. I'll see myself to the door good day." I say as I hop off the cough and make a run for the front door.

I don't make it far before I am pulled into someone's arms- surprisingly it's not Satan it's Sophia.. wellllll shiiiiitttttt.

She carries me back to the living room and tries to put me down.

Oh no Ms. Gurl my ass staying here. 

She sighs and holds me close to her. 

Satan doesn't look all that pleased with my little act, but I just hide my face in Sophia's neck so I don't have to see his.

"Angelo.. you can't blame him okay..? He's just upset and overwhelmed how many punishments have you given him and it's still his first day here." Sophia says standing up for me all of a sudden I'm ripped out of her hold by no one other than Satan.  

He hisses out "Stay in your place Sophia, what I do to punish him is none of your god damn concern." I think I just shat myself- he was mad. 

NO, he was furious.

He takes me upstairs and the entire time we are going upstairs I try to get on his good side so I don't get a severe punishment. 

Once we reach the nursery he sits in the chair in the corner where I'm guessing it's gonna be the 'spanking chair' he doesn't get me in the spanking position but just places me on his knee.

 "Little one... You know I don't tolerate brats nor cursing or being disrespectful towards Daddy or anyone else." He says.

I just nod my head sadly and look down at the ground sucking on my thumb... I find it comforting. 

"I'm not going to punish you this time baby but you need to understand that I'm only going easy on you since it's your first day here and Sophia is kind of right about how you've already had plenty of punishments for one day. But, I'm serious about you being my baby and you obeying me. I don't like punishing you but I will if it means you're going to clean your act up. We can negotiate about seeing your grandparents ever so often but it can't be a regular occurrence alright baby?" He coos out to me. 

I immediately smile liking the idea of seeing my grandparents even if it's not all the time.

I put my skinny arms around his neck and hug him and mumble a quick "Thank you Daddy." Maybe I could give this a try. 

You never know I might like it.

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