Chapter 45

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Finley's POV:

My. Fucking. Hand. HURTS!

This should be abuse- ABUSE I SAY!

I'm still on my first page.. well I'm on the back now and I'm almost done with it.

It's now 5:02pm and everyone is about to eat dinner.

I don't know if I am or not no one has came up to me or even looked at me since I started writing.

I finally finished the first page.. 5:08 pm not that bad alright alright.

Maybe if I just write slower he might just let me finish it tomorrow.

I hear someone walk up behind me.

"Look at me." It's Daddy.

I could feel myself starting to slip, but I'm trying not to.

I turn and look at him with wide teary eyes.

Everyone always notices when I start to slip, even I notice. One of my eyes start to twitch when I'm fighting with myself.

"Bubba.. Just let the little boy out." He said as he crotched down to my height.

"No.. I don't wanna." I said- I wanna be in control when I'm little.

"Alright then, well do you wanna come eat with everyone? Or do you wanna sit out here and finish.. only the second page? Hmmm." He said with a considering look on his face.

"Out wif chus?" I ask.. maybe I can be in control- we just need to learn to work together.

"If you eat out there with us you have to sit in a highchair. It's apart of your punishment I'm sorry baby." He said while putting a hand on my cheek.

Would I rather be out here alone? Or in there with other people... Maybe I can convince Sophia to sneak me some candy.

I nodded my head and he picked me up.

As usual I heard a loud squeal and light running footsteps come towards me.

"HIII PUMPKIN!!" She said as she started pinching my cheeks.

I giggle at her goofiness.

Her eyes light up like never before.

"LET ME HOLD HIMMM!!" Sophia shouts at Angelo.

I just smirk, and he looks down at me with a stern face.

"He's eating in his highchair Soph." Daddy said as he turned towards the highchair.

"NOT FAIR! HE HASN'T ATE WITH ME IN ONE BILLION YEARS AND I WANT HIM TO EAT WITH ME!" She shouted like a misbehaving kid wanting something at a store.

I can't help but laugh, she always comes through.

Daddy really can't say no to her because she always gets her way when it comes to me.

He sighed after listening to her rant of 5 minutes.

"Fine, but he has to finish his lines after." He said plainly as he handed me to her.

"LINES? You're making my baby WRITE?! What kind of torture are you giving him! How many papers did you do?" She asked me.

"Is fwnwshed ones pagw and nows Is on da scwconds ones." I said with a pout.

She gasped loud "HOW MANY ARE MAKING HIM DO? Nope after he's done eating we are going outside to play, would you like that little Finley hmm?" She said as the chef placed her food on the table.

"Sophia, he got in a lot of trouble today and he's lucky right now I didn't give him a spanking. If I did it would the spanking will still be going right now. I don't care what you say or what you call it, he's finishing the lines and then he's going straight to bed. Don't argue with me over this one, because you will lose and I will not have you hold him for a week." He said with a smirk on his face.

Sophia gasped loudly. "THATS NOT EVEN FAIR ANGELOOOOO!!! HMPH I GET TO AT LEAST CUDDLE HIM BEFORE HE GOES TO BED!" She yells- what's with the fucking yelling.

"Fine." He said as he placed my food next to Sophias.

She laughed like a maniac and set me on her lap.

We started eating and I ate in silence.

All the guards were here and so was Marco and obviously Sophia.

I noticed something- where are the dogs?

I turn to Sophia "Dogs?" I ask curiously.

"OH! They got put outside!" She said with a smile.. Sadness washed over me and I began to cry.

Sophia looked panicked and everyone else did to- well Daddy just sat there with a aggravated look on his face.

He looked kind of mad- at me? No, his face softened when he looked at me. So at Sophia. Gotcha.

I was crying hard, and to be honest I don't even know why.

I hear multiple 'hey it's alright' and 'don't cry kid'.

I felt myself be picked up and I noticed it was Daddy.

"Hey bubba, calm down okay? They only went outside to eat... Shhh, you're okay." He said as he rocked back and forth.

My cries died down to sniffles and hiccups.

"Thwys comws backs insidws Daddy?" I asked with a tear stained face.

"If you're a good boy the rest of the night I'll let you make a pallet on the floor in the living room and the doggy's can come sleep with you." He said with a warm smile.

I giggled and nodded my head.

I went back to Sophia and continued eating like nothing happened.

After I was done Daddy took me from her and back into the corner.

I just sighed and laid my head low.

"Hey bubba, what's wrong?" He asked as he sat me down in the desk chair.

"Is nevers gonnas finish Daddy." I said while looking at the ground.

"Hmm.. I'll make a deal with you. I can tell you learned your lesson, but if you finish the front side of this page you can be done with writing lines okay? But you need a bath after so if you want to make the pallet we gotta hurry." He said as he started attacking my face with kisses.

I just giggled and nodded my head frantically.

He left soon after and I began writing again.
Finally it was 7:13 pm and I was done. I'm a slow writer and plus my hand hurt so I had to stop multiple times.

"DADDYYY IS DONESSS!" I screamed out.

He came jogging over to me and looked at the paper.

He smiled big "Good job bubba, you're such a good boy. Now! Are you ready for your bath?"

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