Chapter 53

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Finley's POV:

"Hey smalls, wanna go outside and find some turtles?" I heard Ameer say with his mouth full of cereal.

"Uh- Sure? Can the dogs come?" I asked turning towards Daddy.

"Mhm, they sure cannnn! Oo if we find a dead turtle we can play fetch with it with the dogs! That's fu-" Ameer was cut off to a sharp smack to the thigh.

"How many times have I told you about talking with your mouth full. Also don't talk about dead animals while people are eating." Orion said to Ameer who just smiled widely.

I just stared at him like he was crazy, which he is but no one thinks the same as me.

"Ameer, what's with your obsession with killing and death?" I asked him.

"Huh? I didn't think it was a obsession." He said as he started twisting around in his seat.

I just stared at my almost empty bowel of cereal and huffed.

"I'm done." I said as pushed my bowel forward.

"Bub, you only have a little left.. Why don't you finish it." Daddy said as he stared at me.

I just pouted and stared at the bowel.. I see blood in the bowel and freak out- I accidentally hit the bowel over and the milk went everywhere.

"Oh shit-" Ameer said as he let out a laugh.

Daddy stared at me waiting for a answer on why I knocked the bowel over..

I just had tears in my eyes as Ameer's laugh grew louder.

Daddy caught onto why I did it. He picked me up and rocked me back and forth.

"It's okay baby, you aren't in trouble." He said as he rubbed my back up and down.

"Huhhhh, why does he get a free-be out. No fair." Ameer said as he twisted around in his seat laughing.

"Ameer, do you want a trip over my knee again? Go up to your room I'll be up in a minute." Orion said as he pointed upstairs.

Ameer huffed and stomped upstairs.

"Fill me in." Orion said.. I'm guessing on why I'm crying.

"Every liquid he sees, he's imagining is blood. In the bath earlier he started freaking out and started splashing the water everywhere." Daddy explained to Orion.

He just nodded his head as he had anger in his eyes.

Orion went upstairs after Ameer.

I hope he doesn't spank Ameer.. I feel like it's my fault somehow, plus he just got a spanking.

"Bubba, do you want to watch a movie? I can get Sophia to clean this up so we can cuddle on the couch." Daddy asked. I nodded my head and he called and asked Sophia to clean the mess up.

She nodded her head fast and got to work.

When we walked into the living room I heard screaming and crying come from upstairs.

I whined and looked at daddy.

"I- I don't want Ameer to get spankies daddy." I said on the verge of tears again.

"Alright Baby, I'll go talk to them." Daddy said as he rushed upstairs.

After 10 minutes I still didn't hear any spanking sounds so I guess it was all good? Maybe he just got a time out.

I heard only two sets of footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn my head around to see daddy and uncle Orion holding a sniffling Ameer.

"Ameerrr!" I squealed out as I jumped up and went over to him.

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