Chapter 32

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Finley's POV:

I woke up to be laying on top of a sleeping Marco and a sleeping Sofia on the other side of the couch.. I woke up before them hahaha.

Maybe.. Oh. Fuck. Yes.



I carefully get off of Marco and hurriedly run upstairs..

I get to Daddy's office and go inside of it looking for the key chain of keys.

Once I find it I take a moment and breathe.. I don't know what's going to be down there so I'm mentally preparing myself.

I take my time going down the stairs.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and notice Sophia isn't on the couch anymore..

I hear some noises come from the kitchen so I freeze in my spot.

"Oh hey- Finley." I hear her say.. Shit-

"Sophia I.. I just want to know what's down there that you guys can't tell me." I say to her while I turn around going to face her.

Her face looks neutral.. Like she doesn't even care about going down there.

"Alright then, I'll take you I feel like you should know to.." Sophia says calmly.

"But Finley, once we go down there you never speak of it again. Am I understood?" Sophia changed her tone real quick.

I nodded my head quickly and she took my hand and led me towards the door.

She unlocked the door and I was really.. nervous.

We were about to take a step until we heard footsteps approach from behind us.

I snap my head back to see Marcus looking at us.. He just nodded his head and Sophia began walking down the steps.

They aren't going to kill me right?

At the end of the stairs there was a hallways with a door at the end of it, once we got closer to the door I heard a bunch of screams.

I whimpered a little bit and backed away from the door.

Sophia looked at me with a soft face "We don't have to go in there if you don't want to." She says softly to me.

"I wanna go in there.." I said.

She knocked on the door and someone let her in.

The screaming only got louder once we entered the door.

A horrible smell slapped me across the face when we walked in the door, I wanted to throw up it smelt like piss and shit mixed with dead road kill.

I plugged my nose and continued walking.

I noticed that there were animal like cages on the side each side of this hallways we were walking down, I heard cries and screaming come from the cages so I moved closer to Sophia.

I noticed one cage was empty so I looked closer in it and saw a lot of tools hanging from the wall and whips and saws.. What the f-

*Possible TW from now on*

The cage wasn't empty.

There was a fucking dead body in the cage.

Oh. Em. Gee.

I begin to hyperventilate and tears were on the edge of falling from my eyes.

That poor poor person.. what did they do to deserve this.

Sophia tugged my hand further down the hallway and we were soon coming to the end of it.

At the end there was this one cage with a blonde haired girl tied to a chair in the middle of the room.

Wait blonde haired?

Marco un locked the cage and walked in it.

"Ay bitch, wake up." He said while slapping her across the face.

She shook her head a few times before looking up.

My heart dropped.

She was in cuts and bruises.

She looked like she haven't slept in weeks.

She looked like she hasn't eaten in months.

She looked depressed.

She looked so.. lifeless.

She.. was Laura.

She looked sick.. She smelled sick.

I backed away from the cage.. Just looking at her makes me want to throw up and cry.

Yes, she threatened me and held a knife to my neck.. But this- this is just sick.

Do they torture people for fun?

Sick bastards.

I heard laughing coming from the cage.. I looked over to Laura and saw her laughing.

She had this mincing smile spread across her face. How could she be smiling?

"Look at it.. The little brat looks like he could cry his eyes out right now. Great going Sophia you did such a good job." Laura said while laughing uncontrollably.

Marco slapped her across the face and the next thing I knew was throwing up.

And passing out.
*summons demons cutely* okay bye!

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