Chapter 36

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Finley's POV:

"Alright Finley, where are you from?" Pop pop asked.

I looked up at him.

"Um, I don't- I don't really know.. The United States?" I replied which made him chuckle and Sophia hold back a laugh.

"Alright then.. Where is your mom and dad?" Pop pop asked and I froze.

I haven't talked about my mom in a really long time.

"They.. They um-.. They aren't around.. anymore." I replied while looking down at my hands.

"Alright dad I think that's enough." I heard Daddy get defensive.

"I'm sorry I was just wondering." Pop pop replied to.

"I- um.. It's okay. Me and my mother were kind of on our own.. We didn't really need my Dad- My mother always looked out for me when it came to my father. My father was very abusive. He use to hit me and my mom. Sometimes she would take me and lock us in a room and she would just lay with me. Most nights I would wake up to her crying.. Wishing she could do more. I came home from school one day to see my mothers un-consciousness body on the ground with my dad hovering over her. He would always cuss at her and tell her how worthless she was. And sometimes.. I would think it was worse then getting hit. I tried yelling at my father to get him away from her, but he wouldn't listen.. Instead he got on top of her and started hitting her with anything he could get his hands on. Glass bottles, broken lamps, wood from the floor boards, and even picture frames. He even tried to suffocate my mother with a pillow- I tried to get him off her but.. all he would do was hit her harder. That day my mother died from blood lost.. My father left and wasn't seen for a long time. That's when I moved in with my grandparents and everything was fine.. Everything was perfectly fine. Until you came. Until you came and took me from them. You monster. I hate you for it. Everyday I think of how different my life would be if you hadn't taken me and if my mother was still alive." I was on the edge of tears.

I looked around the table and saw nothing but shocked expressions.

It's not secret that I hate where I am, that I hate being here. Why won't they just let me go.

"Well that's one hell of a story." I heard pop pop say.

"So you're father is still out there?" He asked.

"I don't know and I don't care.. He could be dead on the streets or in the back of someone's car he owes some money to. I couldn't care either way." I responded back.

"That's enough. Don't you ask another question and you don't answer any of his questions. I won't allow you to bring back his memories of his past childhood! THIS IS HIS NEW ONE AND THIS IS THE ONLY ONE HE WILL REMEMBER!" Daddy was screaming at this point.

Sophia stood up and went over to calm him down.. It seemed to work because he just sat back down and continued on his phone.

I just sat there with wide eyes.

I lost everything.. And he doesn't even want me to remember it.

He doesn't want me to remember my grandparents? But he said i could see them.

I start to tear up.

"Hey Finley, why don't you tell your daddy how much you wanna go home? Maybe you'll get to see your grandparents before they die." He said while giving me an evil smile.

"Shut the fuck up dad. You're getting him wound up. I knew you were going to do this. So shut the fuck up before I put a bullet in your skull." Daddy said clearly pissed- aw shit.

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