Chapter 66

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Finley's POV:

So my principal snitched?!

Wait till I get my hands on that fake ass mother fucking crusty ass bitch!

"Don't even think about it. As of right now you're not in trouble, but if you do something to her you will be." Dad said to me.

I nodded my head and stared out the window.

Maybe I can pay someone to do something to her for me- or Ameer he'll do it for free.

The food came and Uncle Orion and Ameer weren't back yet..


They came out as I was about done with my food. I didn't eat much only the bacon.

Ameer was a teary mess.

I didn't hear any noises come from the bathroom- so I don't know if he was spanked or not..

He went up to the ginger haired girl and apologized to her..

She stood taller then Ameer- maybe she is older then us..

She crouched down slightly and gave him a hug.

The she turned around and gave him a chocolate ice cream.

She was officially Ameer's favorite person.

You can't really see his eyes, but I could tell they were beaming with joy.

He skipped back to the table and tried to eat his ice cream.

Uncle Orion stopped him and told him to eat his food first.

Ameer didn't even complain or pout he just started eating straight away.

He finished in a matter of minutes then started digging into his ice cream.

Once everyone was done we paid and left.

Once we opened the doors the lights were back-

"Ameer, Ameer do you like chocolate?"

"Angelo whats the child's name!"

"Tell us something!"

"Mr. Russo look over here!"

The people screamed from all directions.

We just got in the car and headed back to school.

Uncle Orion made sure Ameer got all of the ice cream off his face before anything else.
"Papaaa can I have my phone back pleaseeee." Ameer begged for the millionth time.

"Ameer if you ask again you won't get it back until next week." Uncle Orion said finally having enough of Ameer's constant pleading.

He huffed as we reached school.

Apparently it was break now... Alright-

We got out of the car and waved bye to our dad's and walked inside.

We walked to the lunch room and saw very few people sitting in there.. We just decided to sit in the lunch room not wanting to be around much people.

Dad said that Fero and Alexander wouldn't come back until we were in class and to behave.

I let Ameer play on my phone, because he wouldn't stop nagging. He even threatened to sneak in my room when I'm sleeping and try and suffocate me in my sleep.

I knew it was an empty threat but I let him play on it anyways.

As I was talking to him he magically got a lollipop and started sucking on it- what a weirdo.

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