Chapter 62

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Finley's POV:

"Do I think there is something wrong with you..? No, I just think you let your emotions get the best of you sometimes and that leads to you getting in trouble a lot." I explain to him with a reassuring smile.

"Everyone thinks that I'm strange.. By the way I act. And I don't mind what other people think- but I do mind what you think. Well about me at least... I just don't want to lose the only real friend I have ever had." Ameer said on the verge of tears..

He's definitely has more then ADHD and bipolar disorder, but no need to ask now.

"You wanna know what I think? I think that you have a very strong spirit.. You've been through hell and back and continue to have an amazing smile on your face. I will never leave you Ameer, you are a true friend and true friends only come once in a life time. Don't think for a second any differently.. Just work on your emotions on better controlling them." I said to him.. He needs to work on his emotions badly.

Ameer didn't say anything.. I think he slipped back into little space.

That's okay, he doesn't need to rush anything.

Let's just relax.
After about a billion episodes of My Little Pony I finally heard footsteps come downstairs.

I flip my head around to see Daddy and Uncle Orion coming downstairs with angry looks on their faces.

"Daddyyy!" I screamed out as I jumped out of my seat and ran over to him.

I jumped in his arms and nuzzled my head into his neck.

"Hey baby, are you okay? I'm sorry if we scared you." Daddy said as he rubbed my back.

"Is Otay Daddy!" I replied to him.

I'm a little tired... I did eat by myself when we were watching my little ponies.. I was not about to go hungry.

I look over my shoulder to see Uncle Orion cuddling Ameer.. Ameer is crying slightly.

Did something happen up there that I don't know about?

I just shrugged it off and continued talking with Daddy.

"Daddy tireds.." I said while sleepily rubbing my eyes.

Daddy rubbed my stomach and headed for his room.

When we got in there he brought me into the bathroom and made me brush my teeth.

"I don't want my baby have icky cavities, brush them good little boy." Daddy said as he walked out of the room and probably went to change.

I brushed my teeth like any normal person would.

After I get done daddy walks back in and tells me to open my mouth.

He inspected my mouth to make sure I brushed my teeth... What a weirdo.

"Good job baby, okay let's get your paci." Daddy said as he picked me up and went into the bedroom.

He got a clip on paci and clipped it to my onesie, he put my paci in my mouth and I began sucking on it.

I feel like I'll sleep tonight.. But not very good.

Daddy walked to the bed and laid down first then placed me on top of his chest.

Guess he's figured out I like to sleep here.

I just sucked on my paci and listened to Daddy's humming.

My eyes fluttered shut... Peaceful.
I woke up to someone poking my face.

My eyes shoot open and I see Ameer staring at me with teary eyes.

"C'mon we're leaving!" Ameer whispered shouted at me.

I didn't know what was happening so I cowered into daddy more.

Ameer just took my arm and yanked me out of bed, this caused Daddy to jump up frantically and look around.

I was on the verge of crying.. You can't just wake someone up and then yank them out of bed.

Ameer didn't give me the chance to stand up, he literally dragged me down the hall way.

"S-Stop!" I shouted at him.

"Shut up Finley." He said coldly as he just continued running down the hall.

Daddy was running after us and he even got Uncle Orion.

Ameer stopped once he reached the stairs, and it seemed like he was having an argument with himself..

"Just do it." He said quietly.

"Meme..Pl-please stop.." I stuttered out.

Ameer looked at me.. His eyes- looked dead..

He picked me up and ran down the stairs,

Uncle Orion chased after us and Daddy wasn't far behind him.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs uncle Orion tackled Ameer, but put most of the weight on him.

Daddy came and took me out of Ameer's arms.. It wasn't easy since he had a death grip on me.

What was he thinking- was he even thinking?

Ameer soon became a thrashing screaming cursing mess.. Uncle Orion tried to calm him down but it was getting nowhere.

"She hurt me.. SHE HURT ME- JUST KILL HER! JUST FUCKING KILL HER!" Ameer shouted out.. Who is he talking about?

"Ameer.. Please calm down, In and out.. Good boy. No- put your hand down right now. Am- Ameer Vera. Good boy.. hey hey- calm down you're okay.. Finley's okay. Breathe.. copy me." Uncle Orion said to Ameer who was now crying his heart out...

I felt so bad for him.. I have no idea what is going on inside of his head- but I think he really should go see someone..

I slivered my way out of Daddy's arms and ran over to Ameer..

"Hey meme.. it's okay." I said while hugging Ameer.

"I don't want this anymore.. Make it stop- please!" Ameer cried out..

Everyone went silent when we heard footsteps come down the stairs..

"Oh c'mon Ameer, I'm trying to sleep what are you crying about now?" We all heard Sophia say..

Ameer had stopped crying- was he talking about Sophia?

"Shut the hell up Sophia.. HE WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU AND YOUR PATHETIC FATHER!" Uncle Orion screamed at her.

"Maybe she's right.. I should just die.." I heard Ameer whisper.. Oh hell no- fuckkkk no.

"Hey munchk-" Sophia was about to say until I interrupted her.

"Get out of here Sophia. Can't you see how much trouble you've caused? You hurt my friend. And I could never forgive you for that. Now get the fuck out of here and don't come back. If I see you again I will fucking murder you." I said coldly to her.. I gave her my coldest look and she looked at me with a hurt expression..


"NO! No one hurts my friends! Now get out... I hate you! I HATE YOU SOPHIA! GET OUT!" I screamed at her.

She just had tears in her eyes as she ran back upstairs..


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