Chapter 63

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Finley's POV:

"Finley.." I heard Daddy say..

No- I don't care! Everyone just needs to go away! Can't they see how hurt Ameer is? Can't they just leave him alone!

Everyone is just hurting him..

I was picked back up by daddy and he took my upstairs... I wanted to stay with Ameer.

Once we reached the room I needed to ask Daddy something.

He placed me on the bed and looked at me..

"Da- Daddy.." I said.

"Yes Bubba?" Daddy replied with a curious look on his face..

"Daddy.. I wanna take a- break.. On acting like a ba-baby.. I wanna be a teen- teenager.." I stuttered out.

Daddy looked at me with a odd face..He was smiling.

"Hm.. So you want to go to school? And hang out with friends.. And go out places? Like a teenager?" Daddy asked me.

"Yes sir.." I replied nervously..

"I- I think Ameer should do it to- to.." I said.

"Hm.. I think that's a good idea. We are going to need different rules then." Daddy said with a devilishly smile on his face..

Well shit.. Maybe this was a bad idea- or not? We'll see.

Daddy left me in the room and went downstairs..

If I asked this awhile ago he would've said no and spanked me- now... He thinks it's a good idea?

I know I look younger then I actually am... For fuck sake- I'm 15 in a 12 year olds body. And Ameer is a 16 year old stuck in a 13 year olds body.

Daddy came back with Uncle Orion and Ameer, along with a piece of paper.

Uncle Orion sat Ameer right next to me. He looked just as confused as I did.

"Alright, you two want to act like teenagers? We'll treat you like teenagers for 2 months. If you get in more trouble as being teenagers then as our little babies you'll be going back into ddlb after the 2 months is up. In that case you'll be getting a new set of rules, and you'll be enrolled into school." Uncle Orion said.

Daddy handed me the paper and my eyes widened.

-You have to call us either Dad or Papa.
-Anyone you bring over has to be approved by your caretaker.
-No staying out past 10pm on weekdays, on weekends it's 11pm.
-No staying at anyone's house unless we say other wise.
-Acting out in school will not be tolerated.
-Be respectful to all adults.
-If we say no, it means no.
-No sneaking out, it will not be tolerated.
-Ask if someone can come over before bringing them over.
-You'll be given phones, no social media's.
-No drinking, smoking, cursing, or driving.
-Wake up at 6am, going to bed by 9pm at the latest.
-You're still our babies. We can still punish you.
-You are allowed to play a sport at school, just let us know before joining.

-Mouth washing.
-Phone taken.
-Becoming our babies again.

-Staying out later.
-Friends can stay over.
Yeah that's it.. HAHA.

"I- THAT'S ALL FOR THE REWARDS? TWO THINGS?" I screamed at them.

"If you don't agree to the rules, you don't have to do this at all." Daddy said with a angry face.

I just huffed and threw the paper.

Ameer slapped me in the back of the head.



"Listen, the reason there are so many rules is because.. Well me and Uncle Orion are pretty important people. Which means everything you do reflects on us. I'm not saying that our reputation is important, because it's not. But I will not have my child getting in trouble and the media bashing us for it. You will also be assigned a body guard.. I don't care if you don't agree with this, I don't really care. Your safety is my first priority above anything else." Daddy explained to me..

I am a hot headed person- When I was in school before this whole thing I use to get in fights all the time.. Over really anything. One time it got so bad they threatened to expel me.

This is going to be hard.

"Ameer do you want to participate in this?" Uncle Orion asked a very pissed off Ameer.

"Well since this idiot already got me in it I guess so." He huffed out.

"Suck it up butter cup." I said to him through clenched teeth.

"Then it's settled, you start school Thursday." Daddy said as he clapped his hands together.

Well- this is going to be fun.

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