Chapter 50

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Finley's POV:

He buckled me into the car seat and then went into the driver side.

"Daddyyy I'm sorryyy, I don't want spankies.." I cried out.. I don't think anyone wants spankings.

"Finley, I told you to be on your best behavior. I let your attitude slide to many times today. You earned this spanking." Daddy said to me.. He's so mean, I said sorry!

I just continued cry the entire time..
When we got home I was still crying.

Marco and Leonardo went in first, and Daddy came around to unbuckle my from the car seat.

Buttt there was an issue.

"Finley James, get out of this car right now." Daddy said to me with a stern tone.

"No! If I gos in I get spankies AND I DON'T WANT DEM!" I screamed at him.

My mouth got popped.

"Don't yell at me. Now get out of the car before I have to get you out myself." He said while pointing a finger at me.

I just whine and slid out of the seat.

Daddy yanks me out of the car and lands 4 sharp smack to my bum.

"Owieee dat hurt Daddyy.." I whine while rubbing my bottom.

"Get inside Finley. I want you in your nursery in the corner." Daddy orders and I take off.

I get inside and a upset Leonardo is staring at me.

"Lee Lee.." I cry out.. I jump in his arms and he hugs me back.

"Hey buddy, why are you acting out so much.." Leonardo asks.

I just shrug my shoulders as i cry into his.

"Did your Daddy tell you to be somewhere?" He asks..

I just nod my head and wiggle out of his arms.

I make a dash for the nursery and curl into a ball in the corner.

After about 5 minutes I heard footsteps coming into the nursery.

"Finley.." Daddy says.

"I in da orner." I sniffle out.

"Mhm you sure are, but we both know which corner I meant." Daddy says.

I just sniffle and slug over into the timeout stool.

I sit on the stool and sniffle more.

Daddy goes and sits in the spanking chair..

It was until 30 minutes later when he tells me to come over to him.

I slowly walk towards him.. "Daddy i sowwy.. me just wanted a toy." I said with teary eyes.

Daddy pulls me by my arm all the way to him.

"I know you're sorry, but Daddy gave you so many warnings today buddy. What's wrong can you tell Daddy why you were acting out?" Daddy asked as he placed me on his knee.

"Me was stressed cause me had two strikes and cause me couldn't get a toy after all da of waiting.." me says to him as I try to push back the tears.

"Bubba, if hadn't thrown that tantrum we could've gone to a different store and gotten you a toy. I was even thinking about getting you a I-pad. You have to earn these things, not throw a tantrum for them." Daddy explained to me..

I nodded my head and rested it on his shoulder.

"You're a sweet boy, you just need to control your little outburst baby." Daddy said as he rubbed my back.

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