Chapter 65

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Finley's POV:

Me and Ameer were playing on our phones until we got to the school, he was showing me how it worked since I've only ever had an i-pod that only worked to play music.

We didn't realize we were at the school until Fero and Alexander opened the doors for us to get out.

We put our phones in our book bags and got out of the car.

When we got out everyone in the parking lot was staring at us.. Ameer had this crazy smile on his face and I had a blunt pout on mine.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Ameer.

"Okay meme, you have to act normal.. Don't go around telling people you've killed and tortured others.. Cause that's considered a what?" I asked/ told Ameer.

"Felony." Ameer grumbled out.

"Rightttt, so you can go to jail if you brag about that stuff. You can act your crazed self just don't talk about death... Alrighttt? Great. I don't know if we have the same classes we'll see." I said to him and we walked towards the school.

I could tell Ameer wasn't nervous or anything.. He never really cared to much about people staring at him.

Me on the other hand- I'm getting use to it.

It's not every day you become the adopted child of one of the most feared mafia bosses.

We reached the office with many states, but Ameer did the honors of smiling at them.

Fero and Alexander had to follow us around- it's kinda their job.. Maybe that's why everyone was staring.

Ameer went into the office first then came out not even 5 minutes later with his schedule.

I was then called in and I told Fero to stay out here.

I walked in and the principal greeted me..

She was a little older in her mid 30's and had a crooked smile.. I mean I had some crooked teeth and an bad overbite- I probably need braces... I'll have to talk to dad about that.

"Good morning Finley.. How are you?" She asked extending her hand.

"I'm fine.. Um? Mrs?" I said as I took her hand.

"Oh how rude of me. I'm your principal Mrs. Sherman." She said shaking my hand.

"Oh- okay.. Can I just have my schedule and I'll be on my way." I asked politely.

"Oh.. Yes, I just need to talk to you first." She said as her smile faded.

"Alright, what is it." I replied impatiently.

"I need to make sure you aren't going to cause a problem.. I have your report from your last school. You almost killed a child by putting germ-x in his water.. Um- see the issue with that is- well I'm sure you know the issue with it. You also got into a fight with a child that caused him to go to the emergency room. We are going to clear your record because.. Well you have a hotty for a Daddy. I'm just joking hunny.. Haha- notreallycoughcough.. Anyways. Try and stay out of trouble.. If you even mouth off to someone I'm sorry I'm going to have to call your father." She said with an apologetic smile.

"Okay listen here Mrs. Over lined lips. If you had to clear my record because my father is hot then that's just sick. I don't need to piggy back off of him, you could've kept it for all I cared. But don't ever and I mean ever use that excuse again." I said sassily to her.

"Listen here young man. I don't know who you think you are, but I suggest you shut your yap before it gets you in major trouble." She said angrily towards me.

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