Chapter 31

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Finley's POV:

"What's with all of the screaming?" I hear Sophia say, I know she's gonna take my side she always does.

"We were having some fun with the tickle monster until he slapped me across the face." Marco mumbled out.. He is not going to say the part where I screamed it was my reflex? No okay then I will.

I turn around and yell at them "I said it was my fucking REFLEX do you know what that means hm? No? So you're just a dumbass? Alright GOTCHA!" I say with sarcasm laced in my voice, I smile and flip him off while turning back around in the corner.

I hear a low growl and a gasp from.. Sophia is the only one I really like in this stupid ass house. Well Daddy is up around her level to but he isn't exactly there.

I feel 3 sharp smacks being delivered to my bottom and I don't do anything but bite my lip.

I knew it was Marco debating on the roughness.

I feel myself be turned around and I came within eye contact with Marco.. He crouched down to my hight and had a very angry expressionism his face.

"Listen here and listen closely, I will not be disrespected by you any longer. Hasn't your Daddy told you multiple times about respecting the adults in this house? If you think you can get away with whatever you want just because Daddy isn't here, you are most certainly wrong. I will not hesitate to call him and tell him about your misbehavior, do you think he would like that very much? He might just drive all the way home just to tear your little bottom up. Start behaving RIGHT NOW." He threatened me.. this. mother. fucker. threatened. me.

I give him my most hated look and spit at him..

That shit went rightttt in his face.

"Goo goo gaa gaa bitch." I say through clenched teeth.. I can see the steam coming off of Marco's head.

Sophia came over to us and picked me up before Marco could do anything.

She took me to the nursery and put me in the crib..

"I think you just need a nap baby.. You seem really grumpy." She says with a warm smile.. Why does she always have to be in the middle of things.

She gave me my paci and turned the light off not before shutting the door.

I was really tired.. So- I'm not going to let this nap time go to waste.

***30 minutes later***

Finley's POV:

I woke up slightly to a lot of screaming downstairs..

"I DON'T CARE SOPHIA I'M CALLING HIM, FINLEY WILL BEHAVE WHEN HE'S HERE!" I'm assuming it's Marco.. I don't give two flying fucks if he call Daddy. Call him bitch, tell em I said hi, I'm going back to sleep I don't have time for this.

***2 hours later***

Finley's POV:

I yawned and stretched my arms out, I still have my paci in which I was surprised by..

I rubbed my eyes and sit up, I look around the dark room and see nothing but the baby monitor on the wall..

I whine slightly wanting to get out..

I hear footsteps coming up to stairs and to my door.

Light fills the room and I see Marco standing in the doorway, I know we had our disagreement earlier.. But that was earlier this is nowwww no need to fuss over it.

I rub my eyes slightly and suck on my paci.. He comes and picks me up while rubbing my back up and down.

I lay my head on his shoulder and rub my eyes more.. It's like you can never get your damn eyes to stop being sleepy.

"Hey bubba, did you have a good nap?" He ask me with a calming voice.. I'm assuming he moved passed the whole situation, which is good for me. I mumble out a 'mhm' and put my head in his neck.

He walked out of the nursery and to the stairway.. "Mwrco.. I sowwy, me was vwry mean ands mes rwally sowwy." I mumble out as we walked down the stairs..

"It's okay bubba, but you need to work on your temper.. It's never going to get you anywhere." Marco says gently to me.

I nodded my head and just lay into him. He's really warm.

I almost fell asleep on him when I heard a 'Aww' coming from a feminine voice.

I look up and see Sophia gawking at us.. I just crunch my nose up and put my head over his shoulder.

I hear them both laugh.. Glad to know everyone doesn't have a stick up their asses.

"Come here baby." I hear Sophia say while trying to pull my off of Marco.. Bitch no- I'm comfortable.

I whine and clutch onto Marco more which makes Sophia gasp and Marco chuckle and rub my back.

"Stwys." I mumble out..

"Put you alwaysss come to me when you wanna cuddleeee this isn't fairrrr." Sophia whines I just giggle and push further into Marcos neck.

"What can I say Soph, he just loves me more." Marco gets all cheeky.. Bastard bitch.

Sophia playful kicked his leg and I hear them both laugh..

I just ignore them and continue laying on Marco.. I'm still tired- Damn.

I whine and rub my eyes..

"Hey bubba, what's wrong?" Marco asks softly..

"He's still tired you brick head ugh I have to do everything for you dont I?" Sophia says while rolling her eyes.

She goes into the kitchen and gets a bottle of milk and heats up in the microwave.

She comes back into the living room and hands Marco the bottle..

"Ohhh.." was all Marco said as he tried to remove my paci.

I bite down on the paci and shake my head no. I really love my paci it's really comforting.

"Come on bubba, you have to drink your milk before you go to sleep." Marco says while rocking me back and forth.. It's really soothing that it makes me yawn and my paci falls out of my mouth.

Marco takes this as an opportunity and shoves the bottle in my mouth before I could spit it out he rocks me back and forth while rubbing my back.

This is real..really- soothing..

I might just fall.. aslee- asleep again..

And I did cause yeah.
*lafs aggressively* okay bye.

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