Chapter 4

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Finley's POV:

When the white van took off the bell ringed meaning that lunch just ended. I was angry that I couldn't finish my amazing PB&J sandwich because of that bastard, maybe my English teacher will let me eat in there.

I got my stuff and ran inside, I don't need detention for being late to class so my ass ran down the halls.

 Once I reached English class I opened to doors and to my surprise I wasn't late OOOOOOOOHHHH YEAHHHHHH BABYYYYY!!! 

cough anyways sooooo.

I walked into class and set my stuff down in the back of the class, I'm not the best at English so I decided to sit in the back in hopes of not being called on.

 I took my un-finished lunch out and started eating.. soon enough the classroom filled with students and the teacher hurriedly walked in a few minutes later. 

Once she saw me eating I could tell she was about to have a bitch fit.

 "Mr. Johnson, what do you think you're doing eating in my class right after lunch?" she said I followed up on the question and said.

 "Mrs. Banks, I'm sorry but it's not my fault that when I was eating lunch some shabby pervert decided to take pictures of my sexy ass eating and sitting by a tree." She gasped and started to write something down.. what a hag.

 Once she was done writing down something she walked back to me and gave me a detention slip for after school today, what. a. bitch. I put the slip in my bag and continued eating.


Finley's POV:
It was the end of the day and I had detention to serve, once the bell ringed I got my shit and walked to classroom 201 apparently it used to be a classroom then it was a storage room and now it's a detention room. 

I got in there and handed the detention officer my slip then took a seat in the back. 

I'm not mad I have detention at least I can catch up on some work and homework, the only that makes me mad is that my grandparents don't have a car to pick me up in and the bus that takes me to and from school already left so that leaves me walking all the way home which is on the other side of town...Great.

I just got done with detention and the detention officer wasn't bad he was actually pretty nice and understood where I was coming from saying that there are some pretty freaky guys around here since it's an expensive school. 

Anyways while I was walking home I was listening to music on my iPod that my mom gave me before she passed away, I kept tripping over things and I had this really bad feeling that someone was watching me so I tried to hurry and get home fast.

 All of a sudden this big black SUV pulls up next to me and three HUGE men get out. My pretty ass was NOT about to get snatched up today no sir... SO I RAN.

 I ran so fast and I didn't stop until someone fucking football tackled me to the ground but put most of their weight on the landing so I didn't get even a scratch on my magnificent self.

 I tried to get up and run but this man had a death grip on me.. he's grip felt so familiar.. where have I felt this before..? 

OH SHIT... was the last thing I thought.

The last thing I heard was "You're mine baby boy." before a cold pointy thing went into my neck and lights went out.

Uhh hi lol, so I was wondering if anyone was enjoying this story so far?? If you are please let me know so I can continue making chapters ☺️ I'm not going to continue making chapters if no one likes them lol!! Anyways I hope you all have had a good day/ night and I hope you are all doing well!!!

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