Chapter 35

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Finley's POV:

When I woke up it was night time.

The dogs weren't in the bed anymore and Daddy was next to me.

My stomach started growling and everything that happened that day came back to me.

I never did get real food did I?

I carefully get out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.

Once I get in the kitchen I climb onto the counters and looked through the cabinets.

Nutella. Bitch- YES!

I grab the Nutella and hop off the counter.

I heard a cough and my head snapped in the direction of the cough.


"What are you doing little one?" He asked with an amused look on his face.

"Hungwy." I tell him.

"So you think junk is going to fill your hunger? I don't think so Bubba, here let Daddy get you some real food." He said as he took the Nutella out of my hands which made me whine and pout.

He put the Nutella back and started making me a turkey sandwich with grapes.

Once it was done he let me sit in his lap to eat which I happily did.

"Why are you so rebellious against me." I heard Daddy say which made me stop eating and try and turn to look at him.

"Hm? Why are you so rebellious against me?" He asked again.

"I- I don't really know.. I guess a part of me still thinks it's wrong that you kidnapped me to get me to be your baby.. I mean even if you asked me to be your baby I still would've said no, but.. I guess I just don't want to be forced into this." I explain to him.

"Everything I've done is for you. I'm giving you something you've never had, I understand if there are a few tantrums and disobedience here and there but you.. You give me one hell of a time. And to say it's aggravating is a understatement. But I still love you and I always will." He tells me..

"I.. I have a question." I tell him as I stuff some grapes in my mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, and what is your question.?" He says.

"What will you do when I get older- I'm going to grow up. I'm not going to stay a kid for forever." I ask him.

This question has been sitting on my mind for a very long time.

"Hm, well I didn't want to tell you this now but I plan on adopting you and make you my own child. So one day you can grow up like a big boy and take over the family business." He tells me.

Wait what? He wants to adopt me...? Family business? What is he talking about? Murdering people in cold blood is a family business?

"Okay then when will you stop treating me like a baby?" I ask him again.

"When I feel like it. Now stop asking questions and finish your food so we can go back to bed." He said with an aggravated tone.

I just continue eating with my head full of questions.

Once I was done Daddy took my plate and placed it in the sink.

I'm not even tired maybe I can watch a movie or something.

We soon arrive in his room and he places me on the bed.

"Movie?" I ask him.

"No bub, it's to late." He replies as he gets under the blanket.

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