Chapter 27

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Finley's POV:

So it's been a couple of days since I was sick Satan won't tell me what I had, but I think it was for the best because I would have probably freaked out.

During my recovery from being sick I have been getting in a lot of trouble with Satan- Yes I am calling Satan because of it. He wouldn't punish me badly just if I was talking back or being snarky he would pop me in my mouth or if it was more severe like if I threw something or hit someone he wouldn't spank me he would just put me in timeout.

I think he is only going easy on me because I was recovering, but I don't think his niceness will last very long.

I am currently sitting in time out for throwing one of my stuffed dinosaurs at Sophia because she was teasing me. I think she should be in timeout to it's only fair.

"Alright Finley, you can stand up." Satan says with a neutral tone. I stand up but before I could turn around Satan lands 3 sharp smacks on my behind, I whimper as he turns me around and crouches down to my level "Listen here little boy, this attitude of yours stops right now. I've been lenient on you, but that stops today start behaving now." He says with a Daddy tone that makes me shrink down and whimper. "I need an answer, Finley." He says while looking down at me.

I just mumble out a 'yes sir' but only to receive a pop in the mouth.. bitch ow. "Look at me when you speak Finley." He says through clenched teeth. I look up at him with teary eyes and say 'yes sir' He nods and pats my bottom "Go play." He says with a little bit of anger laced in his voice.

My bottom lip begins to wobble and my eyes began to tear up.

My sadness begins to turn into anger, what the fuck did I do to deserve this shit fucking life.

I have a bulky ass diaper between my legs which I have only used twice because this shit is embarrassing. I actual managed to sneak out of my bed and use the bathroom in the middle of the night.- besides the point.

I have to act like a baby and deal with another side of me that I don't know how to control.

I have a controlling ass kidnapper who is a fucking psychopath.

I'm done with this shit I'm leaving.

I crawl up the stairs and into the nursery and strip out of the diaper, then I carefully crawl into his room i check to see if anyone is in there.

Once the coast is clear I crawl in there and take a hoodie sweatpants and some socks and shoes and lastly UNDERWEAR!!! They are all a little big on me but I can make it work.

I open his window and climb on the roof, I'm relieved he is only on the second floor and not the third.

There is a bush right under his window but it looks painful.. There is also a tree which I could probably climb down I just need to know how am I going to get past the tall ass gate with security.

I have a plan.

I climb down the tree and then jump into the bush I carefully run over to the other side of the gate and hide in the woods near it.. I see a car approaching the gate which gives me an opportunity I just have to time it out right.

I can't see who's in the car due to blacked out windows, but that's okay whoever is in it can kiss my bubbly ass. I wait for them to open the gate and the car get half way through the gate I scream bloody murder as loud as I can.

All the guards turn their heads and bolt towards the house.. Fucking idiots.

I take the opportunity and dash for the gate I run past the car and when I do I hear the car door fly open and hear faint people yelling my name. I'm not stopping.

Run Finley Run.

I keep running not stopping.

After about 20 minutes of running I'm out of breath.. I eventually come to a stop at a hotel hm..

I can't go in if I don't have any money.. All of Satans stuff is Rich bitch stuff so if I go in and say I don't have any money they'll think I'm bluffing..

I'll just rest behind the hotel, it's better then not resting at all.

As I'm walking behind the hotel I hear multiple car doors open and slam shut. I briefly look around the brick walls and see multiple black SUVS... Shit-

"Have you seen a kid that looks around 15 or 14 and has brown shabby hair with bright blue eyes.. He might be in all black wearing a sweatshirt?" I hear some of them say.


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