Chapter 34

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Finley's POV:

I finished the bottle really fast, I guess you could say that I just really want food.

I was waiting for Daddy to pick me up and take me in the kitchen, but all he did was rock me back forth while patting my back and bouncing his knee.

What is he do-

All of a sudden I burped and I could feel my face heat up, all Daddy did was praise me and tell me how I'm a good boy.

He picked me up and brought me into the kitchen, once we got in there I saw Sophia standing next to Marco they were hugging and talking about something.

"Downs Dada." I say without a struggle.. maybe if I don't struggle he will let me down.

"No Bub, I already told you Aunt Sophia is in trouble." He said plainly and just walked towards the highchair,

"Dada mes eats wif Awnt Sophwa pwease?" I ask with puppy dog eyes... He clearly is not falling for it because he just looks at me and walks away.

I just pout and suck on my thumb.

I just wanna be with Sophia.

"Hey baby, what's wrong why are you crying love?" Daddy says while removing my thumb from my mouth and wiping my tears away.

I didn't even know I was crying.

"Fwnley wants Awnt Sophwa buts Daddy said no nos." I say to him.

He just sighs "Finley, when Sophia can actually start being an adult she can come play and cuddle with you. But right now she isn't being one." He says sternly and when he says that I hear Sophia burst into a loud sob and it automatically brings me out of headspace.

I think Daddy could tell because I had the hated look on my face.

"What the hell Angelo, why do you have to say shit like that when she's here? Are you talking about the basement and what you do to all those poor people? Because if you are.. I told her I wanted to go down there- Hell I was gonna sneak down there anyways. So stop being a little salty bitch AND JUST LET IT GO!" I scream at him and the room went silent.

So silent you could hear a pen drop.

Sophia was silent.

Daddy had this very pointed look on his face...

Did she not tell him that I wanted to go down there? That I snuck the key?

"So what you're telling me is that.. You wanted to go down there, and you were going to sneak down there anyways?" He said with a calm voice.

"I already snuck the key from your office. I planned on going when everyone was still asleep downstairs." I explain to him.

"How many times.. How MANY times have I told you Finley, that you are to NEVER go down there." He said angrily.. yeah he was mad.

It was silent for a few moments.. I was about to say something until he took me out of the highchair and placed me on the ground.

"Go to your room and put you little nose in the corner. NOW." He screamed the last part which made me jump and scurry away to my nursery.

I got in there and saw the timeout stool. Yeah no.

I just lay on the floor, it can be comfortable at times.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and something hit the door.

I saw Daddy standing there with something behind his back.

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