Chapter 18

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Finley's POV:

The entire day went smoothly.. Well as smooth as it can go. I didn't want to leave Daddies side- At all, so I was basically glued to him all day.. but was I happy? I was.. He practically showed me where he hid the key to the basement door. He hid it in his office which is right down the hall from my nursery.. Oh hell yes- I'm definitely finding out whats behind that door..

After dinner I tried to play with Daddy as much as I could so he would be tired... Part of my plan of course- I'm a fucking genius if you ask me.. Act like a big baby then play with him till he drops asleep, then when he places me in my crib I will stay awake until I'm sure everyone is asleep.. I had this dinosaur clock on my wall so I know definitely that everyone will be asleep at 2 am.

And it's time for my plan to unravel.. I did everything you could possibly think of, I made his play cars with me, hide and seek, piggy back rids, tag, duck duck goose, leap frog, hell I even made him play just dance with me.. But it's not enough and I'm on a time limit- This is way harder then I expected... Wait- I always forget he's in the Mafia..... Fuck my life-

NEW PLAN! I will just have to ask to stay awake as long as possible considering my bed time is at wait- 8... 9... 10? no 9:30pm yup yup yup!!! Okay! I'm sure he would let me stay up till 10 since a lot happened today and because he's secretly a huge softy.

"Dada me stwys up wif chu??" I ask him in the most babyish voice I could possibly muster out.. "Hmm, You have been a really good boy today.. I don't see why not baby." He says which makes me erupt in fake squeals.. I swear to god if there is nothing good behind that door- I'm wasting my beauty sleep on this.

We stayed up a bit more longer then just 10.. Sophia and Marco went to bed a little while ago, but me and Daddy are still up and we are currently playing a new game I made up which includes a bunch of running- cough dinosaurs.. ANYWAYS, I could tell he was getting a little tired.. His eyes were drooping and ever so often he would ask 'Baby are you ready for bed yet?' I would always say no to get him as tired as possible.

He finally had enough.. "Baby, It's way past your bed time it's now 12 am you need to go to bed now, so let Daddy put you in your crib okay?" He said.. I knew damn well he was just tired and wanted sleep which is DING DING DING perfection okay okay okay- I need to act COME KN FINLEY YOU GOT THIS!!!! I pouted and rubbed my eyes.. "Finley no tireds Dada." I whined out with a fake yawn.. He chuckles "I think you are little one.. Let's get you to bed so you can have extra playtime tomorrow." He says I just fake yawn and shove my thumb in my mouth while nodding.

He puts me in some dinosaur pj's not a onesie this time which I am grateful for- don't get me wrong I love onesies they just get to hot.

He puts a pacifier in my mouth and lays be down in my crib making sure to give me my dinosaur stuffie and blanket..

He kisses the top of my head and says 'I love you baby boy, sweet dreams.' And with that he was gone..

All we need to do now is wait-

-Time skip to 2 am-

I glance at the clock and see it's 2 am.. FINALLLLYYYY *mentally cheers* okay.. All we need to do now is get out of the crib- Oh don't worry the amazing Finley has a plan for that tooooo!!!!!

I throw all of my pillows and blankets out of the crib carefully so they kind of stack on top of each other..I then hoist myself up over the bars and very carefully drop myself down to the floor.

I do a little happy dance once I get out of the crib- Oh yeah oh yeahhhh Finley 1, Tall ass crib 0!!

I quietly open my door to my nursery and peek out it.. I look both ways down the hall to make sure no one was up. I slowly make my way towards the office door, I cringe at every creak and every squeak I hear.

I finally make it to the door and open it up. I would think for a Mafia man he would lock his office door up.. I guess not, jokes on him.

I go over to the rack of keys he has and look through them.. I remember what the key looks like and I remember it had a 'HB' carved in it, I have no idea what it stands for but I don't have time to think about it I'm too eager to open the basement door.. I quickly turn around and run towards the door looking down at the key to make sure I don't drop it.

I hit something hard? Wait what? I fall on my padded bum and look up... No. Fucking. Way.

Daddy was just standing there with a tired but angry look his face with a belt in his hand.. WAIT WHATTTTTTTT AM I SEEING THIS RIGHT? BELTTTTTTT?????? WHATTTTTT?? Oh fuck no I'm out I'm gone- See you in 4 years!! I quickly get up and try to run behind his desk, but he is to fast. He pulls me to him by my waist and throws me over his shoulder. I began thrashing around trying to get out of his hold, He lands three very hard smacks on my bum which makes me stop moving completely.. It hurt like a bitch even if my butt was padded.

I begin sniffling knowing I lost.. How- How did he know.. My plan was supposed to be full proof..

He doesn't say a word to me the entire time, we go back to the nursery and he places me in the crib.. I notice all of my pillows and blankets are back in it- Fuck.. He takes the key that was in my grip and leaves the room I hear his heavy footsteps go down the hall and then I hear a door shut.. He must've shut his office door.. Then he comes back down the hall and I hear a lock- WAIT A LOCK? DID HE JUST LOCK ME IN THE ROOM?!?! This mother fu-
Happy New Years everyone!!! I hope you all have an amazing holiday and please everyone be safe!!- Author

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