Chapter 20

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Finley's POV:

Once I was in the kitchen I was looking around the kitchen and see the Rocco and Bruno in the kitchen- wait why are they in here? Hm..

Sophia and Daddy walk in and Daddy see's the Doggy's and starts to shoo them out. I quickly run over to the Doggy's "Dada nos dey stwys pwease?" I say to him.. "No Bubby, They are outside dogs not inside dogs." Daddy explains to me which makes me thump down on the floor and start to tear up and sniffle..

The Doggys come up to me and start sniffing my face and laying their heads on my lap and shoulder.. Daddy sighs and mumbles out a load of cuss words "Fine they can stay but they are going back outside this afternoon." He says which makes me bounce up and down in joy.. hehe.

I am currently sitting on Sophia's lap and eating pancakes and bacon. Daddy was bringing the Apple juice until he spills it on the floor. He cusses out loud which makes me gasp and Sophia look at him with worried brows..

"Daddy said bad words.. Daddy needs punishment!!" I giggle out and Sophia looks at me and giggles.. "That's not how it works baby." Daddy says.. "Yes huh yous have to sits in da corner chair with nasty soapies in your mouths." I tell him.. Sophia just giggles and Daddy lets out a huff. "Baby, I'm the Daddy not you. I can say certain things that you can't." He bellows out.. I just stare at him with a mismatched face expression.

I pout "But Daddy if you says it me cans to." I say with a angry look.  "Unless you want a repeat of the punishment you just had.. I don't think you should say it bub." He says with a chuckle.. which makes me shrink down and cuddle into Sophia. "Are you threatening the baby boy?!" Sophia fake gasps, Daddy rolls his eyes and makes his way to the living room to get his phone. Sophia places me on the ground and tells me 'Watch this' with a giggle..

Uh ohsss- Sophia gos up behind him and starts smacking his bottom which makes him turn around and look at her "Sophia cut it out." He says annoyed with he playfulness "Not until you apologize to baby boy." Sophia mummers out which makes me giggle. Daddy just rolls his eyes and comes towards me.. Sophia jumps on his back which makes me fall forward and she is now sitting on his back and landing fast smacks to his bottom...

I giggle as I watch Daddy try and get her off of him which he is most definitely failing at.. Sophia then stops her ran of smacks "Are you going to apologize to baby boy?" She says  Daddy just huffs "Apologize for wha-" he was cut off by Sophia landing fast smacks to his bottom again which makes me falls backwards from laughing so hard. Daddy then flips her over and sits on her back.. She just giggles and says "You're a hippo get off of me fatty." Daddy fake gasp "These are all muscles" and rolls his eyes.. Marco then comes in and see's the scene and comes over to my laughing self "Hey baby, what happened in here?" he ask while chuckling "Dada was getting spankies from Aunt Sophwa cause Dada said he was going to spanks me if I tried to cuss and nows Daddy is sitting on top of Aunt Sophwa." I explain he nods his head and walks over to Daddy.

"I think someone needs to learn a lesson.. Don't you think Angelo?" Marco say's which makes me confused, Daddy then responds with a smirk and says "Oh yeah she needs to be punished." And with that Daddy got off of Sophia and Marco picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.. Waittt noooo we were having funnn why does she need a punishment!!! Marco then swats he wiggle bottom and says 'Bad girl' ew okay go get a room you two- bleh.

Marco takes Sophia upstairs and disappear around the corner. Daddy comes over to me and picks me up.. I pout wanting to keep on laughing at him getting spanked. "So you laugh while Daddy get's spanked huh baby? Is that funny to you?" He says with a smirk played on his face.. I just nod and giggle "Okay then.. well now you need to get a very very very VERY extreme punishment for laughing at Daddy.. Hmm I'm thinking- THE TICKLE MONSTER WILL GET YOU!!" Daddy exclaims.

I scream and try to get out of his arms, but it's kind of hard when you're laughing so much. Daddy lightly throws me on the couch and starts tickling me.. I scream out for Sophia to come help me but I doubt she heard me from my laughing and her being 'busy' with Marco.. bleh.

One of the guards come in from all the noise and see what's happening.. I reach my hand out for him "Pweaseee help- *giggles* helps meeesss" I say to him.. He just smirks and helps Daddy rain tickles on me.. "Dada PWEASEEE STOPSSS *giggles* me will never laughs at chu againsss *giggles* " I say to him.. He and the guard finally stop and I gasp for air trying to get the giggles out of me.

After awhile they are all out of my system and I just lay my head on Daddy's shoulder smiling.. "You wanna watch a movie baby?" He asks.. I nod my head to tired to speak. He gets up and puts Beauty And The Beast on.. I love this movie *mentally does happy dance* Daddy came over to me and we cuddled.. Soon darkness engulfed me..

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