Chapter 40

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Finley's POV:


Pain was all I felt when I saw their lifeless bodies on the cold, hard, blood stained floor.

I let out the most petrifying scream.. How could I not.

I'm on the ground crying my eyes out.. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

My grandparents- They were wrongfully taken from me. THEY WEREN'T YOURS TO TAKE!

I can't take this... They are my family. They loved me when no one else would.

I can't take this pain...


I feel something cold and runny on my hands.. I look down to see my hands drenched in blood.

Their blood.

I start throwing up.. throwing up with a mixture of crying.

Kinda hard to breathe.

Maybe I should just die.

Everything has been stripped away from me.

My dignity. My freedom. My friends. My mom. And now.. And now my grandparents.

I should just die.

I really should.
Angelo's POV:

Once we pull up I can tell how excited he is, but he seems on edge at the same time.

He really needs to learn self- control.

I hope he knows I wasn't being serious when I said I would shoot his grandparents. I couldn't do that to my baby.

I let him out the car along with the dogs, and I watch as he runs up to the run down house. He's so adorable.

Maybe if I moved his grandparents somewhere nice he would like me more.

I'm watching the dogs run around and wrestle each other when I hear a heart breaking scream come from the direction of the house.

I snap my head around and pull my gun out, the dogs are already at the door.

I run into the house to hear my poor baby crying his heart out.

I look around when I see he's crying next to the lifeless bodies of his grandparents.

I don't think he knows i'm there, because he tries crawling towards them and he kept muttering 'You can't be gone this is all my fault.'

He started throwing up, and I couldn't take this anymore. It's breaking my heart and his heart is well over broken.

I scoop him up, and he doesn't move he just cries.

I can tell he is in shock- his mind is somewhere else.

I noticed he had blood on his hands so I take him outside and get a towel that the dogs were laying on out of the car.

I get most of the blood off his hands while he just continues to cry his heart out.

The dogs wouldn't leave his side, I can't blame them.

I swear who ever did this will regret it.


No one, and I mean NO ONE hurts my baby.

I pick him up and let him cry into my shoulder.. This hurts. A lot. I'm not even the one who lost anything.

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