Chapter 49

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Finley's POV:

Daddy got up and left the room, I don't know why he wanted to take the call somewhere else.

Beats me.

I continue watching the movie until I heard faint screaming coming from outside.

I don't want to pay attention to it, he's probably yelling at someone for not killing the right person or something.

I just continue watching the movie..

After about 20 minutes, I heard him come back inside.

"Hey Bubba, do you want to go to the mall? You can get some new toys?" Daddy said from the kitchen.. The mall?

I don't really like crowded places.. But going out could be good for me.

I nodded my head hesitantly..

"If you don't want to go, we don't have to just tell Daddy if you want to go or not." Daddy said

"I'll go." I replied to him.

"Alright, let's get you dressed then. Sophia can you get Leonardo and Marco out here please." Daddy said as he picked me up and started trying to take my candy from me.

"Yes boss?" I heard someone say, I turned my head towards them and it was Leonardo.. The guy that sat by me at breakfast.

"I want you two to be in a separate car and you're coming to the mall with Finley and I." Daddy says with a cold hard tone.

"Yes sir." And with that they left the room.

"C'mon baby let's go get you ready." Daddy said as he successfully got the candy out of my hands.

We headed upstairs and he said it was going to be cold today.

He put my in grey sweat pants with a white line going down the side, he put me in a white undershirt with the matching hoodie and finally he put me in matching shoes with white socks.

I feel riched out.

He placed me on the ground and told me to be a good boy while he got ready.
It didn't take him long to get ready only about 5 minutes, he was wearing something casual just like me.. But he didn't match his entire outfit.

"Bubba, do you want your paci?" Daddy asked as he was packing the diaper bag up.

I shook my head no and started wandering around the room.

We were finally ready to leave and Sophia made sure I was nice and warm before I left.

We got in the car and Daddy buckled me into the car seat then got into the driver side.

We were almost there and he started talking.

"Listen Bubba, I don't want a repeat of the last time we went to the mall. Be on your best behavior." Daddy said reminding me of the last time I acted out in the store.. That's when I stole the damn sloth plushy.

"Mhm when can I get toys?" I asked, I want to get a jungle animals so I can get a s l o t h toy.

"We have to get a few things first then you can get your toys. Only if you behave though." Daddy said, I can wait- I think..

We got to the mall and the flashing lights people were here.. God damn why can't they just leave us alone.

"Finley, put your hood over your head." Daddy said and I complied.

We got into the upper parking garage and the flashing lights stopped.

Daddy took me out of the car seat and placed me on my feet.

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