Chapter 29

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Finley's POV:

I was crying over his shoulder as he started walking towards the car.

He tried to place me in the car seat, but I started squirming and thrashing and um screaming yeah screaming.

He didn't do anything he just watched me thrash around.

After awhile I was just huffing with a teared stained face. Satan went up to touch my check but I just moved my head away.

"Don't fucking touch me you monster." I spit out.

He doesn't say anything he just shut the door and got in the driver side.

All of a sudden I saw flashing lights coming through the window which makes me cry hard.

I hear Satan growl lowly "Baby, it's okay alright just put your head down and close your eyes alright bubby?" He says with a soothing tone.

I nod my head and do what he says.

I feel the car start moving and I lift my head up to only see that we are moving.

I start crying and immediately feel guilty.. He does so much for me and I'm and asshole in return.

"Hey bubby, calm down and just breathe.. You're going to make yourself sick with all of the crying." He says calmly to me.

"DADA I SOWWY I SO SO SOWWY FWNLEY SOWWY DADDY ME NEVER DO IT AGAINS!" I scream out.. I truly felt bad.. I made them worried sick and probably grey hair- I don't deserve them... Any of them.

He doesn't say anything but drive..

Once we get to the gate of the house I begin to whimper..

"I want you to be seated in the living room when we pull into here. Don't stop to talk to anyone, straight to the living." Satan says calmly.

I just whimper out a "Yes sir" and sit there quietly.

Once he parked the car he got out of the car and came to my side and unbuckled the car seat.

I hoped out of the car and went to go inside.

I didn't even step two steps until I felt a very hard smack on my behind.

"Owww what was that forrrr" I whined while rubbing my bottom.

He points to the door and says "Go." Which immediately makes me go inside.

As soon as I take one step in the door I immediately hear a gasp followed with a high pitched scream.

I just keep walking with my head down and little sniffles here and there.

I feel stares all around me.. I know people are probably mad at me, They could have been home with their families but instead they were out looking for me..

I don't even make it to the living room until I just drop to the ground and let guilt take over me and I start crying my eyes out..

"FINLEY JAMES RUSSO YOU BETTER BE IN THAT LIVING ROOM." I hear Satan yell which causes me to get up and sprint to the living room.

I get seated on the couch which is really comfortable, I knew I wasn't going to be comfortable for long but I also know I deserve this.

I see Satan appear from the doorway and his eyes soften at the look of me.. Then they turn back to it's normal state..

"But he was just grouchy he wasn't- But he's just a kid. It doesn't matter Marco he's back." I hear someone arguing with someone over the phone. I'm guessing it's Sophia since no one talks to Marco like that. Not even me because if I did he would pop my mouth and send me in the corner.

All of a sudden I get picked up and placed on someone's lap. I turn my head only to see Satan rocking us back and forth.

"Hey baby, Daddy is really confused on why you left me.. I love you so much bubby I just want to know why. You gave me a mini heart attack." He chuckles out..

I began to cry lightly..

"Daddy.. Mes was justs mads it was in a heat of da moment.. Me didn't means to worry anyones.. Me didn't even knows where I was goings. Me vewy sowwy Dada." I sob out..

"Hey bubby, Calm down okay.. We talked about this before. You have to start telling me how you feel. I'm your Daddy, it's my job to make sure you're alright and safe. But what you did was not safe, it put you in serious serious danger." He lectured me.. and with that he put me in the spanking position and he didn't pull the sweatpants down or anything he just started attacking my bum with his hand.

"Are you going to run away from Daddy again and put yourself in danger?" He asks while stopping the attack on my bum.

Even though my bottom was covered it still hurt like hell so I was obviously crying.

"N-no si-sir" I managed to sob out


He lifted me up and cuddled me into his chest..

"We aren't done bubby." He said which makes me cry harder.

He stands me up and puts me in the corner facing the wall, not sitting down just standing there.. he then pulls my pants and underwear down.

I whimper and try and pull them up, He smacks my hands away.

"This is apart of your punishment, do not even thinking about rubbing your behind or you'll be right back over my knee but this time bare with a switch." He says coldly which just makes me cry.

He never told me how long I had to stand here for he just set a timer and walked away.

I didn't hear a lot of people come by I barley heard anyone.

The timer finally went off and I heard a bunch of footsteps standing behind me.. I know better then to turn around before he comes and gets me.

I feel my pants and underwear being pulled up, but I don't hear him say I could turn around.

"Finley, I think you owe a lot of people and apology.. Everyone here is your family, and you made everyone worried sick about you." He says bluntly which makes me sniffle and cry a little more.

"Turn around." I hear Satan say.. I'm hesitant to turn around but I ended up doing it.

I was face to face with a whole bunch of the gang members I even saw Sophia and Marco standing there.. Disappointment written all over their face.

My eyes immediately tear up and I just look at Sophia who is also tearing up.. I run over to her and jump in her arms and apologize like crazy.

Satan then takes me away from her which I whine at which also causes everyone to let out a chuckle or giggle.. "Baby, don't you have something to say to everyone?" He asks with a neutral tone.. I go up to everyone one by one and tell them that I'm very sorry that I worried them and gave them a hug.

Finally after saying sorry to everyone, I went back to Sophia and kept apologizing.. I truly felt bad I really did put her through hell.

Daddy got me a bottle and let me cuddle with Sophia only if she promised to feed me the bottle, which she happily accepted.

Soon enough I was asleep..

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