Chapter 54

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Finley's POV:

When I woke up Ameer was still asleep.. He looks so peaceful..

I crawled out of bed looking for my paci.

I found it and popped it in my mouth.

I just groggily go downstairs and into the living room.

I spotted Daddy reading a paper and Uncle Orion reading a paper and drinking coffee? Tea? I don't fucking know.

I just rub my eyes and walk over to Daddy.

"Aw hey baby, did you have a nice nap." He said as he lifted me into his lap.

I just groan and put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

"Looks like someone is still sleepy." Daddy chuckled out.

"Ah, I better go in there with Ameer. If he wakes up and no one is there all hell will break loose." Uncle Orion sighed as he walked upstairs.

He stopped and ruffled my hair then continued on his way.

I just groan and push my head further into Daddy's neck.

"Hm? What's wrong Bubba?" Daddy asked as he stood up with me in his arms.. just rocking back and forth.

"Tired." I replied.

"If you are still tired you shouldn't have came downstairs." Daddy chuckled.

I just groaned louder and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Such a sweet baby.. You should be sweet all the time." Daddy said with a chuckle.

"Bleh." I replied which just made Daddy laugh more.

"Bubba, do you want to go back up and finish your nap?" Daddy asked.

I shook my head no.. I'm toooo comfortable.

Daddy ran his hand through my messy out of placed hair.

I almost fell asleep until I heard fast stepping footsteps come over to us.

"C'MON SMALLS! WE HAVE KNIVES TO THROWWWWW!" Ameer screamed out which made me groan and push myself closer to Daddy if it was even possible.

I then heard another set of footsteps..

"I- Young man! How many times do I have to tell you not to run away from me. I told you not to go mess with Finley." I heard Uncle Orion scold Ameer.

"But PAPA! I am trying to TEACH HIM HOW TO THROW KNIVES!" Ameer explained with weird hand movements.

I just laid my head on Daddy's shoulder as Orion scolded Ameer again.

Ameer started pulling on my foot since Daddy was standing up, and me and Ameer are shorter then Daddy, my feet hang when he holds me.

Orion just pulled Ameer's ear.

"Ameer, if I have to tell you not to mess with Finley one more time I will have you in timeout." Uncle Orion threatened Ameer.. Ameer just flashed his crazy smile and backed away from Daddy and me.

"I think I'm going to go lay him down upstairs.. He's still really tired." Daddy said to Uncle Orion who just nodded.

"No fairrrr Papaaaa I wanna play with him!!" Ameer whined.

Uncle Orion crouched down to his height and gave him a stern look, and Ameer immediately became quiet.

Daddy took us upstairs and into his bedroom.

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