Chapter 24

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Finley's POV:

My heart dropped.. Strike 3??? ALL I DID WAS STEAL A STUPID BEAR!! Oh yeah key word 'steal' you're such an idiot Finley.

My eyes begin to water and my bottom lip begins to wobble.. I don't want a spanking, I've been doing good with no spankings..

I push my head into his neck and I can feel my tears start running down my face.. Why did I steal?? Gosh.. it was the sloths fault mhm mhm.

Daddy rubs my back up and down and starts bouncing me.. It didn't help me because now I feel more like a baby and I know I'm going to laid over his knee.. I'm just going to cry and apologize my heart out.

He finally gets done with that store and goes over to the store that the sloth was in.. We go up to the counter and I can feel his hand take the sloth out from my jacket.. He places the sloth on the counter and placed me on the floor.

The lady at the register looks confused and looks at my heart eyed face in 'aw'- Bitch I will crucifix you.

"I'm sorry Ms, Lana. But my baby here seems to not be very patient and decides to steal this cute little sloth instead of being a good boy and wait." Daddy says to the cashier who I am assuming is Lana.. I cry harder at what he says and the Lana lady looks at me with sadness in her eyes..

"Hey there little guy.. It's okay don't cry, hm.. This sloth is really cute right?" She says to me.. Her voice is really calming. I nod my head and sniffle. She smiles at me and hands me the sloth "Cute sloth for a cute little kid.. Don't worry about it, also no need to pay sir it's on the house." She smiles at us and I hug the sloth to death and thank her endlessly. Daddy smiles at her and thanks her.

We leave the store and head for the car.. I just cry harder and put my head in his neck again.

We get to the car and I cling onto him for dear life.. I don't want to get in the car.

"Baby, I need you to let go of me and be a good boy and let Daddy put you in your car seat." He sighs out. I sniffle and let go of him but cling onto my sloth.

He buckled me into the car seat now we are on our way home.. I'm dreading it..

We get to the house and I just lower my head down in shame. I don't even wanna touch the stuffed sloth anymore, Daddy comes to my side and un buckles me.. "Go in you room and sit on the time out stool, I'll come get you when I'm ready." He says disappointment laced in his voice. I sniffle and dash to the nursery.. Sophia and Marco staring at me the entire way.

I reach the nursery and bust into more tears, I through myself onto the floor and start beating it.. Now I feel like an literal child throwing a temper tantrum.

"Finley James Russo, If I come up there and you're not in the chair you behind is going to regret it." I hear Daddy yells from downstairs... Well I mean since he asked soooo nicely imma go sit in it now BYEEE!!

I go sit in the time out chair.. It feels like forever. Before he finally comes up, I was right I was sitting there for 2 hours!!! 2. HOURS!!

He doesn't even talk to me he just goes and sits in the spanking chair..Aw shi-

"Finley, come here." I hear Daddy say.. I just lower my head and walk towards him.

I guess I was to slow for him, because when I came in arms reach for him he grabbed my arm and pulled me into sitting on his lap.

I let a few tear slip out and cover my face with my hands.. Daddy wipes my tears "Baby, what in gods name compelled you to steal that stuffed animal." Daddy asks me.. "I just wanteds it Daddy.." I responded.

He pulls me close to him and starts cuddling me in the chair. I just sniffle and lay my head on his shoulder.. This is comforting.

"Bub, you know Daddy has to punish you.." He says quietly.. Just enough for me to hear. I knew he had to.. I didn't want him to.

I began to hiccup and my eyes began to water.. Daddy looked at me with the same expression.. Disappointment- Ouch.

I lay over his lap knowing I deserve this.. All of a sudden I hear a chuckle come from Daddy "Baby, did you think I was going to spank you?" He says with amusement laced in his voice. I nodded my head yes with tears falling down my face..

"No baby, I think you learned your lesson.. I should be spanking you though, but I feel like taking away your tv, your dinosaur toys, and your new sloth will be a good replacement." He says with a smirk playing on his lips.. I quickly smile but it soon fades away- I just got that mother fucking sloth.

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