Chapter 28

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Finley's POV:

I decided that I had rested enough and bolt towards the woods behind the Hotel. I hear shouting and loud footsteps. Try and catch me bitches.

I make a lot of rights and lefts trying to lose them which kind of works.

I lost them for about a minute so I take the opportunity and climb up a tree.. I have so much adrenaline pumping through me that I didn't even feel all the cuts on my hands.

I hear the people run past the tree, fucking losersssss.

I'm trying to calm my heart rate down and focus on my breathing.

Until I hear a twinge snap and I become stiff.

"Finley.. Please, if you're near me come out please." I hear a familiar voice say.. Sophia.

I stay where I am holding my hand over my mouth so she can't hear my breathing.

I hear another pair of footsteps approach Sophia and they start talking.
"I just don't know why he would run off.. Did he miss someone? Did he not like it there.. What did we do wrong." She sobs out which makes my heart break a little.. I never liked it when she cried.

"He's just being rebellious.. He's still trying to adjust to his headspace. It might just be scaring him. Don't think about it to much love, let's just find him before Angelo gets back." Another familiar voice says.. Marco.

Why do they even care, I'm just an inconvenience to them.

They soon enough walk away which causes me to stay in the tree longer.. I might rest here.

Soon enough my eyes droop away.
Sunlight hits my face and chatter erupts from all around me.. I open my eyes and see a bunch of people I don't know.

I begin to press myself against the tree more for reassurance.

"Is he the one The Doberman is looking for?" I hear someone ask. I hear a lot of gasp as footsteps come towards the crowd.

"Down Finley." A very very angry voice says.. Satan.

"It's him.." I hear someone say.

I look at Satan and he has angry pooling around his eyes..

Someone tapped him on the shoulder and asked "Sir.. d-do you want so-someone to go up.. up and get hi-him?" The poor old man was shaking. Satan turned to him and in the most deepest darkest voice I have ever heard he responds with "Shut the fuck up before I put a bullet between your eyes."

The old man just shrinks down and cowers away. Which makes my blood boil.

"You don't have to be a dick to him, Angelo." I say loudly which causes Satans head to snap towards me. "It's Daddy to you Little boy. Now get down so we can go home and you can get your diaper on." He says with an evil smirk on his face.

My face heats up with embarrassment and I see some people smile and a little kid giggle.

"Fuck you. I HATE YOU I'M NEVER GOING BACK TO YOU, YOU EVIL BASTARD." I scream loudly which makes a lot of people gasp and him to growl lowly.

"Little boy, I'm giving you the chance to get down here by yourself before I have to ruin my suit and come up there and get you then I won't be very happy." Satan says coldly.

I whimper and press myself closer to the tree I can feel myself starting to slip but I am determined to win.

He keeps screaming at me and I don't know if I should let him.. He might calm Satan down- I'm letting him out.

Little Finley's POV:

I sat in da tree scared I see a very very angry Daddy.

My bottom lip begins to wobble and my eyes begin to tear up.. Daddy's face softness and so does his tone in his voice.

"Baby.. Come on down be a good boy. Daddy just wants his baby boy back." Daddy says with a calm tone..

I just back up against the tree if that's even possible.

He sighs "Baby, I'm not mad I'm just confused. Now get down so we can talk about this and so these nice people don't need to see any resistance." He says a little sternly .

Other Finley is getting restless and wants out.. I don't wanna see Daddy anyways.

Finley's POV:

I'm still pushed against the tree and I'm not getting down.

"Finley James Russo, you have till the count of 3 to get your ass down here or you won't be to happy." Satan says with pure full on anger.

"1." I don't want him to count.
"2." This is making me nervous.
"Finley." He roars.. I hear a lot of people gasp and giggle. Which makes me whimper and tear up.
"3." He says through clenched teeth.

"NO DADDY I'M SORRY!!" I yell out.. which causes everyone to laugh except Satan.

I began to cry at everyone laughing at me.

Satan turns around yells something but I didn't bother listening I just tuned everyone out and just kept crying.

I feel the branch I'm sitting on weigh down and I feel someone put their arms around my waist.

I look up and see Satan looking down at me with anger filled eyes. I started screaming at him and thrashing around. He popped me in my mouth and told me that I shouldn't make this worse for myself.

I just pouted and put my head down.

He made sure his arms were secure before he jumped down from the tree.

I started thrashing and squirming again.

He threw me over his shoulder and landed 3 harsh smacks on my bottom which made me immediately stop and just lay over his shoulder limp.

Well I fucked up.

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